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August 31, 2015

BB is Nominated for the Martha Stewart American Made Award!!!

Hello!!!! I have exciting news... I am nominated for the Martha Stewart American Made Award!  Soo exciting!!!  Hopefully you could help me out by leaving me a super swell comment!  I would appreciate is so very much and would love to have your support as I would be THRILLED to make it as a finalist!  Thanks SEW much!  Stacy

Here is the link!!!!

August 29, 2015

Quilt Exhibits & Fair FUN!

Today was too nice not to go to the fair!  Of course, we weren't the only ones thinking that!  Not sure...but I think over 115,000 were in attendance!  It was crazy crowded!  We did manage to spend some time checking out the exhibits!  I LOVE looking at all the amazing entries from quilting to canning!  This year did not disappoint!  The displays were stunning & quality was amazing!  Just wish I could get more/better pics...  Everything is enclosed, so it's very hard to get decent pics!  Here are a few for you to enjoy!  We really just enjoyed some fair food, games, friends & family time!  I think this trip was just what we needed to get out and enjoy!!!  Hannah also tried a new 2015 fair food!  It was a mac and cheese cupcake!  She thought it was good!!!   I'm still pondering what new food I'm going to try!  It always amazes me how they keep coming up with so many new & creative foods!  They even had Typsy Pies!  Pies made with alcohol! Lol!  I think we should put our heads together and come up with a new fair food!  After all... Sweet Martha's Cookies grossed $3 million last year alone!  Not too shabby for 11 days of work!!!!! 😀😀😀

August 28, 2015

Give Away, Harvest Goods, Fair Fun!

It is "LUCKY" Friday on our FB page!!!!!!  You know what else is cool?  Last week I gave away 33 patterns to 11 winners!  It can't get much better then that!  So be sure to head over to Facebook and leave a comment on our LUCKY Friday post for a chance to win!  I was thinking about it...and I give out 75-100+ goods every month!  How cool is that!!!!!!!??!?

This week was "mission WI Quilt Show & BARN Event"!  We were kitting, unpacking & pricing goods... Ordering trims, more trays & stars (want to make sure I have extra for you onliners!) and cutting-bundling wool, velvet etc!  Since I typically don't do much kitting, I now have a HUGE appreciation for the shops that do it!  I can't believe how little you really get out of a bolt and how much time it takes to cut & package them!  it's definitely been a learning curve and a huge investment!  Hope everyone loves kits...because I can't wait to move these!  My shop is crammed!!!!!!!  

On the home front...  It's been hard to juggle the back to school prep etc.  First off, Gracie got her braces off, her pink hair dyed back to blond & after taking her and her friends to the mall(s) numerous times - she still tells me she needs more jeans!  Oh my!!! Lol!!!!  Then Hannah has been volunteering at school helping some teachers get ready, had her 11th grade orientation & took her class pictures today!  I really struggled when I filled out her forms - 11th grade?  My baby!!!!  How can that be!!!??  I truly will miss them both so much when they go back to school!  Plus- I won't have Hannah working with me anymore!!!  😢

Today the Minnesota State Fair opened up for its wonderful MN Get-together!!!  So of course, after a long day of work, the girls and I headed there about 7:15.  We had a great time, bought our annual MNSF sweatshirts, radio station tees & sampled some of our FAV fair food!  I'm going to pre-warn you that my family LOVES the MNSF and I'll be posting more pics as we plan to go a few more times!  Lol!!!  I've been going every year since entering the 6th grade!  Every year I was fortunate to win numerous grand champions & reserve champions at my county fair thru 4-H.  This meant I would earn a trip down to the "big cities" where the state fair is held!  This was a HUGE deal to make the long 8 hour plus trip to the cities on a school bus!  I can still remember calling home "collect" on the pay phone at the 4-H building!  Such good memories!!!!!   

Before I go... I hope you check out the pics with this post!  It shows the BOO & Jack patterns I'll be giving away, new & gorgeous products for the BARN Event & the vintage feedback collection/pics at the fair!  Seeing those vintage sacks was the highlight of tonight's trip to the fair!  They were stunning!  In the agriculture building they are celebrating the 100th year of the corn at the fair!  So they had hung hundreds of old feed sacks on the walls!  Also- check out the art pieces that were made with various crop seeds!  They are amazing!!!!!  Happy Friday ! 😃😃😃

August 21, 2015

NEW Designs for the BARN EVENT! New FABRIC Packs!

Hey! I hope this note finds you doing well and enjoying these fabulous fall days!  Today was absolutely perfect, here in MN!  I am so excited for crisp fall autumn days ahead!!!!  Bring on the pumpkins & apple pies!!!!!
Speaking of fall days...  I have some very exciting news & pics to share with each of you!  So grab a cup of coffee or Diet Coke (lol!) and let's catch up on the latest here at the Basin!
The AUTUMN IN THE COUNTRY Barn Event is NEAR!  Things are coming together nicely!  We are starting to post pics on our Instagram & FB page of items that are arriving daily for this special event... in a vintage barn, out in the country!  Remember, this event is open to the public!  You can come and shop the at the barn without taking the workshops!!  And you can even sign up for the party Saturday evening which includes a pin cushion exchange, without taking the classes as well! However, if you would like to take the workshops & make it take it's.. we still have a few spots left!  We will have WOOL by the boat loads, all my new fabric line and wovens in various packs and bundles, patterns, kits, demos, tons of new thread, trunk shows, seasonal décor, vintage goods, guest designer/teacher... including Debbie Busby from Wooden Spool Designs & Sheri Glasscock from Calico Moon.  There will be a vendor who will be bringing farm fresh harvest goods for all your fall decorating needs!  She will also be bringing one of a kind primitive cupboards, garden carts, Indian corn wreaths and so much more!  I have designed numerous pieces that she has made especially for this event to go with my designs... like this fabulous heart shutter that is made for my snowman class project!  You won't want to miss this event!  We even have a baker setting up "POP up Bake Shop!"  It truly is a MUST for any one looking to be inspired thru handwork... Relax & enjoy a day out in the country shopping, visiting & feeding the goats & lamas!!!!  OH- if that wasn't enough to inspire you... here is sneak peek of projects I am working on & Debbie's Make It Take It project she will be teaching at the barn!  Be sure to watch the website for pics of the completed projects & more!!!!  Hope to see you there!  *Again, all info is on the website & more info will be added this weekend!
Check this out!!!  We teamed up with our fabric manufacturer to offer you some great textures to mix and match in your projects!  Each pack has 40 pieces of the Humble Beginning Fabrics or the Woven Coordinating fabrics! You can get both the 5X5 inch or 10X10 inch fabric packs!  Jelly rolls are also available but no on the site yet!  The packs can be found on the website under "shop online"! The wovens are also great for backgrounds for your wool applique projects!  Both are great stash builders!!! Head over to www.buttermilkbasin.com and see these beauties!
Also, I hope you are enjoying the "Mystery" BOM!  Have you seen block 8?!  If you haven't....please head over to the website at www.buttermilkbasin.com and click on the picture and print off you FREE pattern!  It is perfect for this time of year!  And - be sure to share pics of your progress on this BOM or any other BB projects you are working on, on our FB page!  Be sure to "like us" and check out all the other fun pics everyone has been posting!  And don't forget.... Today {and every Friday} is "LUCKY" Friday on there as well!

Hope you have a fantastic Friday and don't forget to head
over to the FB page for a chance to win some FREE goodies today!!!!

August 20, 2015

BIG Event!

It's a matter of a few weeks before the "BIG" Event!  Be sure to mark it on your calendar, gather your girlfriends and come spend an afternoon out in the country the with us!  We are working hard to make it a GREAT experience for everyone!!!  Look for more pics on Friday!!!!  Happy Thursday!

More info on our website at www.buttermilkbasin.com!

We're working away on kits for the event!!!  Good times!

August 19, 2015

Road Trip!

Road trip!  On Saturday I got a bug to hit the road and support the MN Shop Hop before it finished up on Sunday!  So Hannah, George & I went hopped in the truck, grabbed some lunch and headed over to The Noble Quilter in Elk River!  What a fun time we had!  Then shop was decked out and hoppers were still "hopping"!!!  How exciting!  I picked up some goodies and then we went to a small town about 10 minutes up a ways.  I stopped at s few vintage shops and kinda got skunked!  It sure was fun to look though!  I did score another pin cushion {always pick up if it's under $5!!! Lol} and a couple vintage kitchen towels!  Oh- I also picked up a fun old gardening hat!  My great grandma Lillie always wore one so it made me think of her so I had to get it!!!!  Did any of you do a little road tripping this weekend or shop hopping?!?!

August 14, 2015

NEW FREE Pattern Block 8

*SURPRISE* I have a surprise for you! I have the NEW "Mystery" BOM ready early, for "LUCKY" Friday! I am giving away KITS for this block on this super fantastic LUCKY FRIDAY over here https://www.facebook.com/buttermilkbasin/posts/958234764197014! How cool is that!!!! Hope you are excited! I think it is pretty darn cute myself!!!
This week was good all around!!! Work flew by and today we cleaned and moved two rooms around at the shop! Then before my husband came after work to load up the truck, {to take some props and goods we wanted out of the shop} I decided to draw up the new BOM... I had it drawn, fused & scanned in before he got there! I was on fire! {Never mess with a determined woman!.. Isn't that what they say?!?! lol} Then we brought the goods to the shed, grabbed some supper, bought shoes for the wedding & I came home and stitched the new BOM as my cats kept grabbing my thread and jumping up and off the table! What some stinkers!
Speaking of cats! First, I have good news regarding Oliver {he's better then ever!!!} and Bella! After 3 LONG months... Bella snapped out of her "drama" and decided Oliver is ok! It blows our mind. Just like that, she went from hating him & being separated from him... to eating with him, laying on the same bed together, etc...and even stopped attacking him! So far, so good - but I am keeping my eyes on her! I just don't get why 3 days ago she decided to change her mind and "like" him! Crazy...but good!!!! Secondly, check out the cute pics of the girls at the Internet Cat Festival last night! They had such a fun time and got so much treats for the cats! What a great turn out too! 13,000! Gotta love those cat lovers!!!
This week I also got in more goods for the barn event! One thing I know you will like is the vintage metal tray that the Truck Full of Joy mat sits on! They are gorgeous! I also got in the coolest ruler stars, more vintage tin goods and more WOOL! Then for some reason I ordered a vintage light?!?! So I now have a cool light if you're looking for one! LOL! I also connected with my wood worker and she is making new products I designed, along with some we made for market for the event! There will be the black shelves that are featured on some of my new pattern covers, pedestal stands {that you may have seen in my pics from market}, wall pockets with feedsacks that you can do wool applique on. EXCITING! She is also making distressed paddle boards, mini 8X8 and 10x10 cool quilt stands to name a few. She will also be bringing a trailer with bigger furniture and homegrown pumpkins, gourds, cornstalks for all your fall decorating needs! I can't wait to see her goods and load up on some fall harvest goods! My FAV season!!! Super excited! So if you get an opportunity, come to the barn event! This year will be even better then last year! {And last year was pretty awesome!!!!!}

Hope you all have a great Friday and fun weekend!
Happy Stitching!

August 10, 2015

Be inspired!

Be inspired!  Are you working on a Buttermilk Basin project?  Why not take a pic & inspire others thru YOUR handwork over on our FB page!  It can be finished or in process!  Maybe you can inspire someone with your color combo, thread choices or by simply sharing about your handwork {we love hearing stories of grandma's button box, for example}!  It's all about enjoying the journey through handwork!

PS!  we would love to share them all here on the blog but unfortunately the FB page is easier and can be done in a click!

August 9, 2015

Antiquing in Stillwater!

This afternoon the girls and I headed to historic downtown Stillwater!  We had a great time!  We shopped at numerous antique stores...  Enjoyed fresh dipped strawberries & pecan turtles... and ended out day on a boat cruise with the bride to be & family!  Such a fun day!  Ps- If you're coming to the Barn Event, be sure to take time to visit Stillwater!  You won't be disappointed! 

August 6, 2015

FLASH Sale on the Website & FREE Quilt Pattern!

"LUCKY" Friday is ON time this week on the FB page!  Yippee!  Please make sure and check out all of the pictures below to see the "Flash" Friday Sale on the website, NEW FREE Pattern {to be used with or new fabric line} also on the website... the fat 1/4 give away & NEW Simply Magazine you've been asking about!  What an awesome Friday it's going to be for you all!  Someone's got to get the weekend off to a great straight for you all, right???!!!!!  I'm so lucky!!!!

This week was a great "catch up" week from being gone last week teaching in Arkansas!  It was a huge week for barn sign ups, selling goods up at the Country Loft {189 people there the one day while I was restocking}!!!  ....getting back to designing and working on class projects!  What a fun week!  

I can't believe how much I miss designing and stitching!  I wish I could do that all day, every day!  Maybe one you of can run the company for me so I can make that happen!!!!!! Lol!!!  Heck, I'd settle for a weekend of being part of your retreat!  I know you gals know how to have fun, cook/bake & stay up late creating!!!!   Wouldn't that be a blast???  I better get my road map out!!!!!!!!

This week I also got in new goods for the barn event {and ordered more}!  I have tons of new hand dyed wool we're bundling for the event- I know you'll just love it!  I also got in vintage reproduction pieces, Halloween goods, candles, patterns and more!  I'm also working on new designs to be released at the barn event!  Things are coming together!  Can't believe it is next month!!!!!!  Wowza!!!  Time flies!

This week was also pretty quiet on the home front!  No exciting news!  But I did enjoy some simple joys like fresh Colorado Peaches from neighbor Mary, hitting the movie Paper Towns with the fam and enjoyed a parade this evening in the rain!!!  It was nice to chillax!!!!

This weekend we switch back to wedding mode for our nephew and his wife!  I did get the invites done and they mailed them!  {They are creative & lovely!}.  Then Saturday my husband is hosting the bachelor party.  Luckily, we have a great nephew..,so it will be filled with a day of family, friends & memory making!  They will be starting off with a couple rounds of golf, hitting the horse races and then staying at the casino!  In the meantime, the girls and I will be hitting the dinner boat cruise portion of the bachelorette party only!  I'm going to pass on the rest... and let the young ones party like "rock stars"!!! Lol!  Maybe the girls and I will go crazy & cap off the evening with a diet iced soda from McD's on the way home!  Hahaha!!!!!!!!

Now- be sure to check out the flash sale on the Live Simply Set of 13 patterns on the website.  They are over half off- only $36 for the set!  {FRIDAY only!}. Great patterns for all you wool lovers!  Then check out the new fabric and print off the FREE quilt pattern!  I encourage you to use the new fabric and share your version with us here!  I'd love to see you creative you all can get!  Don't forget the NEW Simply Vintage magazine is now available and most importantly.... Please head over to our FB page and leave a comment for a chance to win FAT 1/4's from my new line!  Have a fantastic Friday and a great weekend!  Excited to hear from you all!!!!  And if you are new to the Basin...Welcome!!!!!!  PS: How are your pets & gardening going?!?

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