FLASH!!!!!!!! {AND "LUCKY" Friday over on our Fabce book page!} This is so "BIG" I
can't even wrap my head around it! LOL! As
you know, here at the Basin, we are growing by leaps and bounds and that is
SOOO exciting! I am thankful beyond
measure! You know I love my studio space
{which at one point was a retail shop for the Basin}! Well...
Today I got a call from the owner of the building and he said that one
of the long time tenants has to down size and that his location would be
available in 30 days! OMG! You know what I am thinking?!?! YES! I
rented it! I now have 1200 more square
feet in the same building and will using that space for our pattern company
and..... I will be turning the original {larger} space back into a retail space
& open it up to the public & my AMAZING Events!!! This is where you all come in!!!! I need to know what you would love to have me
do with the space! There are SOOO many
options, that I don't even know where to begin!
And yes, there is a big classroom so we have options! Are we excited or what???

Ok- now back
to our local programming, aka... "Lucky" Friday! Today is also a fabulous day, as the NEW
February Vintage Truck thru the Year is released on our website! We all LOVE it here at the shop! It is just darling... especially for all our
wool lovers!!! We do have kits available...
Always remember, we are limited to what we can get- so if you want your kit to
look just like ours, it is best to order your kits asap when you see them on
the website! So far, we have not had to
swap out anything and I reallllllly make an effort to keep it as close to my
model as I can... because I know you all LOVE my color palette... so I will
keep doing the best I can for you all!!!
Oh the home front,
I am have had a blast being a momma this week!
We have been super busy with nightly events with the girls and tomorrow
we will be celebrating Gracie's 14th birthday!
I am sure you all have noticed that I am trying to balance my family
life/work and sleep!!! So that is why
you aren't seeing as much 4 am posts!
Since the cruise, all but 1 day I have been to bed by 2-2:30am! So I'm off to a good start! Still haven't made a home cooked meal in
awhile, so that will be next on the list!!! LOL! Thankfully, my family is very supportive of
my BB madness!!!!!
This week
also brought big changes again at the shop... Laura is not at the shop, but is off
taking care of her grandbaby {so exciting!} ... and now, my retired wool enthusiast,
Judith, will be volunteering from time to time to help us gals out... AND... my
AWESOME sewer, Jodi will now be working at the shop on Mondays &
Thursdays! So I am confident things are
heading in the right direction as we strive to fine tune things in order to
meet your needs! Just need to be patient
and allow things to fall into place!
Don't forget to head over to our Fabcebook page and leave a comment for a chance to WIN a free truck kit! I am ready
to read all your comments & catch up on what you have been up too!!!! I can't wait to see what you've been working
on, cooking, ventures you may be doing or if I am lucky, I may even get to see
a pet pic or two!!!! Hope you have a
great weekend! The weather is sunny
& 37 degrees here in MN! Almost time
to put on my bikini!!!! HAHAHAHA!
Happy stitching! Stacy