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September 28, 2015

Nearing 10,000! Good time junking!

Happy Momday everyone!  Hope your week is off to a great start!!!!  The voting continues!!!!  Last night I was 300 votes away from the leader!  Today I'm back to being behind a 1000!  We are now super close to 10,000 votes!!!  I know I have tons of support and I know together we can win this contest!  Thanks for voting!!!  I believe in handwork, our BB community & gaining support for our industry!  Trust me... I'm going to give it all I've got!  

Here's the link if you'd like to help me out!  http://www.marthastewart.com/americanmade/nominee/138644/crafts/buttermilk-basin

This week Kelly and I snuck out to the Junk Bonanza!  Since we weren't feeling well, we kept the trip short and sweet!  Of course, we managed to make a dent in our pocket books!  But... It's for a good cause!  It's for display pieces that help you see how our designs and products can be used!  {Sounds good, doesn't it?} 😀. Here are a few pics of quick trip!  It's always amazing to see what people find & bring to the event!!!!  I'm digging those pumpkin buckets big time!  Really love all the fall inspiration!  

September 26, 2015

Fall, wedding, FUN!

I hope you all are enjoying this gorgeous fall day!  It's warm, sunny and beautiful here in MN!  This pretty much sums up my day so far!  We are now getting ready to go to our nephew's wedding!  It's going to be a very special day!!!!  Before we had our I wanted to thank you for voting for me and remind you to log in before you vote or your votes don't count!  I found that out last night at the grooms dinner!  My family was funny!  They thought you just clicked it and they voted!!!  We were laughing!!!  Enjoy the day!!!  

September 25, 2015

NEW Mystery Block, Lucky Friday & More!

It's "LUCKY" Friday time gals!  It's a great giveaway this week on our FB page!  I'm giving away 6 kits from the BARN Event!!!  ...Including that stinkin cute farm truck mat!!!!  So make sure you comment!  It could be your lucky day!!!!

Can I tell you all again how AWESOME last week was at the BARN Event?!?  I can't believe it has already came and gone!  We really outdid ourselves for this event!  We took 3 trailer loads there and 2 back!  We set up each load the best we could and wrapped most of it up late Thursday night!  We were still whipping things in shape as the line started to form outside an hour before we opened... {If you know me... I work up until the very LAST minute! NI never stop! lol!!!}. We even had gals coming on Thursday trying to shop!  {It was a hot mess at that time, trust me!!!}  Before you knew it, the barn was filled to the brim with shoppers, the students were fusing & stitching, and we were having a ball!  On Saturday night we had our party and pin cushion exchange!  We had mimosas, fondue, meat & cheese, the best apple crisp Brie and the cutest acorn donuts you've ever seen!  That evening we also made a necklace with the barn project on it, we added a truck charm and a ball jar charm with a B on it!  We also made paper broom treat bags for Halloween, played games and laughed the night away!  I will always remember that special night... and weekend with everyone at the BARN!  I am already looking forward to another fantastic event next year {once I get over this virus!!!} 😀

I also want to take a moment to THANK you for all the votes!  I have no idea where I am at in the contest.. but hope each day everyone can vote 6 times!!!  I truly appreaciate it and who knows, maybe I can use that $$$ for a BARN!!! Well... and least to rent one!!! :)  So hang in there with me... I don't like to bother you, but it is important to me...so I will try to keep the reminders to a minimum!  Link is on my website homepage!

OK!  I know I promised to design and post the NEW "Mystery BOM, Block 9 this week for you!  But before you head over to the website (www.buttermilkbasin.com) to click and print... I just want to let you know that this block is inspired by a lovely student I was fortunate to meet at the BARN Event this past weekend!  She loves sunflowers and has commented about doing a block with sunflowers!!!  So now you know - I DO listen and read your comments! 😀😀😀She was so awesome!  You should have seen how much fun she had trying to WIN the sunflowers pin cushion in the swap!!!!  What a hoot!!!!

On a personal note... the girls are both enjoying school!  
They've already had lots of homework & tests!  Friday night they are going to the homecoming football game!  In the meantime, we will be at our nephew's wedding practice and supper... The wedding is on Saturday!  Watch for some pics!!!  We're all so excited!  I have to print off the programs and thank you's for each table and all my duties are officially complete!  Phew!  Then next week it's time to get caught up again at the Basin!  It's been a whirlwind and being in bed sick for a couple days put me even further behind!  But I'm on the mend... And excited to be back at the shop!

I hope you all enjoy the new block!  I'll try to get the kits up asap on the website!  In the meantime, head over to www.buttermilkbasin.com and go to the homepage and click & print!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!  I'll be looking for you speedy stitchery too who get the block done before the day is over!!!!! 😀😀😀😀✂️✂️✂️✂️

September 21, 2015

Please vote for Buttermilk Basin!

Hello!!!!  Voting has started for the Martha Stewart American Made contest and I'm already behind, lol!!!!  That's what happens when you are busy making memories with those who came from near and far to the BARN Event!  You can't put a price or award on that!!!  I'm going to be posting ALL week about it!  It was such a blast!  In the meantime, if you get a chance... please take a moment and vote for me!  You can vote consecutively up to 6 times a day... Or up to 6 times during the day!!!  Here is the link!  As always, thanks for your support!  😉. You're also welcome to copy & share this link with others!!!  Thanks SEW much!!!!!! 😉😉😉


September 12, 2015

Pumpkins 4 Sale! My poor new car!

Check out this bumper crop of pumpkins we'll have available at the BARN this week!  There will be mums and much more fall harvest goods for all your decorating needs!

Last night we were heading home and this happened!  Needless to say it's been quite the journey... The closest place to rent a car was over 2 hours away.... Life happens!  But we're all ok!

September 11, 2015

Harvest Truck, Snowman Heart, BARN Event & More!

Before I get rolling on my post, I want to thank everyone who's called, texted or emailed me regarding not vending at the WI Quilt Expo this week!  It's really, really awesome that you were concerned and that you miss having BB there!  I'm good and did plan to vend at that show!   Unfortunately, a close family friend pass away earlier this week and my family and I are currently half way to my hometown {6.5 hours away} to celebrate the life of a very special man tomorrow afternoon!  Even though I prepped, kitted, loaded the trailer and had all my ducks in a row... sometimes you just need to follow your heart, as you can't get moments back.... So this week my heart has been heavy, I've been struggling with the loss and thinking of the family... I'm also going back home {it's the 1st time back since mom's funeral}... then I worry I let people who were coming to see me at the show down...not to mention my two girls went back to school...I can't believe I have an 8th grader & a junior!  Talk about emotional!!!!  Lol!  It's all good though!  I'm right where I need to be! ☺️

Ok!  Back to business.... I have a few things to share with you!  First, I'm running behind on shipping due to our printing company having issues with their new software for their presses.  The pattern covers I've been receiving are "pink" and dark!  {ugly!}  So... Don't panic if you haven't received your order- this is a big problem right now!  As I mentioned before... It's show season and the amount of patterns we've been shipping is unbelievable!  We've went back and forth and the issue is not resolved....I have 4 large orders pending!  So I'm crossing my fingers this gets resolved soon or....I'm going to end up switching to a new company!  

Next, with my family in town last weekend... I need to apologize for not picking my LF winners over on the FB page!  I'm so sorry!  The good news... I can just double my winners to 20 this week and then, I'm back on track!!!!  So if you've ever want a chance to win some awesome, FREE patterns... this is your weekend to leave a comment on our page for a chance to win!!!!!

I also can't believe my BARN Event is next week!  I'm crossing my fingers everything comes together!  I'm confident I will have a beautiful selection of goods, fibers & workshops for those of you who are coming!  And for those of you coming to our Party on Saturday night... Don't forget to bring a pin cushion to swap!  I'm so excited!  Like I said... The trailer is packed!!!!  Btw... check out my new Featherlite trailer!  I am so excited!  No more renting!!!!!  Yeehaw!!!!!

Oh- I'm also including pics of the finished pieces for the BARN Event!  I'm loving both the truck & the snowman!  Two total different designs, but yet so perfect for the upcoming seasons!  And how cute is Debbie's Cat pin keep & the snowman mitten hanger?!?  I can't wait to put some greenery in the mitten!  I snapped these pics quick before I left town!!!!  

I REALLY am looking forward to celebrating handwork & having a great time with everyone next week at the BARN!  I hope you come shop, visit & enjoy yourselves!  This event is intended to be SEW much fun!  Let's make it a great time!!!!

Have a SuPeR, GrEaT Friday/weekend everyone!  😃 Kitty kisses to your furry loves from my FAB 4!  Thanks again for all your support & encouragement!!!!  You gals ROCK!!!!!

September 4, 2015

Giveaway * New T-shirts * Quilt Expo

It's "LUCKY" Friday and I can't believe it's here!  😃 I also can't believe I made it to the finals at Martha Stewart American Made!!!  What an honor!  To think next week I'll be sending the girls off to school again is so wild!  Where does the time go, gals????  Before the weekend flies by too, I want to give away some lovely fat quarters from my Humble Beginnings Fabric line over on our Facebook page!  The colors are so perfect for this time of year... I just have to give away some for you to enjoy!  

This time of year is one of my busiest times!  It's show season, as I'm sure many of you are aware of!  That means we are busy not only working on our kits etc for upcoming shows... but we are also busy pulling orders for shops that have made up samples and plan to bring them to their shows!  The pattern reps are also keeping us busy with large orders... Unfortunately, glitches come in to play like poorly printed covers (they looked pink!!!). Luckily, I'm used to a plan b or even c, so we'll get thru this!!!  As you can tell, there is never a dull moment at the Basin!  😃

On the flip side... We are vending next week at the WI Expo!  We have tons of kits, wools, fabrics, patterns & goods ready to go!  So I hope you can come see us!!!  The only tricky part is tearing down our booth at the local quilt shop (for the state shop hop) on Monday morning before we leave on Tuesday!  Wish me luck getting my ducks in a row to be ready by Tuesday!  It's gonna be close!  

This afternoon I left work early to go pick up more of our fabulous Sew Stitch & Create T-shirts you've all been asking about!  I believe they are on the website!  They are $24 and $26 for 2X.  They are men sizes!  You all need one!!! Lol!!!  Seriously though... they are pretty cool!!!  AND if you like those- I know you will L*O*V*E the new "farm truck" T-shirt I designed for the BARN Event!!!!!  Plus it's in a gorgeous cheddar/orange!!!!  It's stinkin cute, my friends!!!  Those are not available until the barn event!!!

After I dropped off the shirts at the shop, I went home to clean!!!!  I know, right!!!  Exciting!!!!  My brother and his wife came down today and we are taking them to the State Fair tomorrow!  Neither of them have ever been there!  It's going to be a great time!  Hopefully, I'll be able to relax and enjoy my time there with them!  I have a tendency to start worrying about getting everything done!!! Lol!  Having the Quilt Expo & BARN Event back to back isn't the easiest thing to make work!!!  Please remind when I sign up for these two again next year!!! 😂😂😂

If you haven't had a chance to head over to Martha Stewart's American Made page... I'd love to have you go check it out and see my page!!!  You can leave me a comment too!!!  I'm not sure how it all works - but the voting for a winner in each category starts September 21st!  I'm thrilled to be able to represent us wool & cotton lovers!!!!  As always... None of this would be possible without you gals!!!  You really are just the best!!! {thank you}!

I'm off to get some rest before they wake me up early to hit the fair!!!  I hope you all enjoy this weekend and celebrate the "last hurrah" of summer!  Please head over to my FB page leave a comment and let me know what's up for the weekend or if the fall shows are starting in your area!!!!  All my best... Stacy

September 2, 2015

Pumpkin Tutorial & Martha Stewart American Made Finalist!!

Happy Tuesday!  I just wanted to share a tutorial & some fun news with you!!!  First off..,  I'm thrilled to share with each of you that I have made it as a finalist in the Martha Stewart American Made Contest! I think it's so great that I can represent us wool & cotton lovers!  Head over to her site and check it out!  I hope you can help me out by voting for BB starting September 21st!   Exciting!!!!

Also, since fall is near... that means it's time to stitch up some harvest goods!  Here is a super quick & easy pumpkin tutorial for a darling pumpkin to add to your stitchery or wool deigns!  It can be stitched up in just 5 minutes!  Enjoy! 


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