It's "LUCKY" Friday and I can't believe it's here! 😃 I also can't believe I made it to the finals at Martha Stewart American Made!!! What an honor! To think next week I'll be sending the girls off to school again is so wild! Where does the time go, gals???? Before the weekend flies by too, I want to give away some lovely fat quarters from my Humble Beginnings Fabric line over on our Facebook page! The colors are so perfect for this time of year... I just have to give away some for you to enjoy!
This time of year is one of my busiest times! It's show season, as I'm sure many of you are aware of! That means we are busy not only working on our kits etc for upcoming shows... but we are also busy pulling orders for shops that have made up samples and plan to bring them to their shows! The pattern reps are also keeping us busy with large orders... Unfortunately, glitches come in to play like poorly printed covers (they looked pink!!!). Luckily, I'm used to a plan b or even c, so we'll get thru this!!! As you can tell, there is never a dull moment at the Basin! 😃
On the flip side... We are vending next week at the WI Expo! We have tons of kits, wools, fabrics, patterns & goods ready to go! So I hope you can come see us!!! The only tricky part is tearing down our booth at the local quilt shop (for the state shop hop) on Monday morning before we leave on Tuesday! Wish me luck getting my ducks in a row to be ready by Tuesday! It's gonna be close!
This afternoon I left work early to go pick up more of our fabulous Sew Stitch & Create T-shirts you've all been asking about! I believe they are on the website! They are $24 and $26 for 2X. They are men sizes! You all need one!!! Lol!!! Seriously though... they are pretty cool!!! AND if you like those- I know you will L*O*V*E the new "farm truck" T-shirt I designed for the BARN Event!!!!! Plus it's in a gorgeous cheddar/orange!!!! It's stinkin cute, my friends!!! Those are not available until the barn event!!!
After I dropped off the shirts at the shop, I went home to clean!!!! I know, right!!! Exciting!!!! My brother and his wife came down today and we are taking them to the State Fair tomorrow! Neither of them have ever been there! It's going to be a great time! Hopefully, I'll be able to relax and enjoy my time there with them! I have a tendency to start worrying about getting everything done!!! Lol! Having the Quilt Expo & BARN Event back to back isn't the easiest thing to make work!!! Please remind when I sign up for these two again next year!!! 😂😂😂
If you haven't had a chance to head over to Martha Stewart's American Made page... I'd love to have you go check it out and see my page!!! You can leave me a comment too!!! I'm not sure how it all works - but the voting for a winner in each category starts September 21st! I'm thrilled to be able to represent us wool & cotton lovers!!!! As always... None of this would be possible without you gals!!! You really are just the best!!! {thank you}!
I'm off to get some rest before they wake me up early to hit the fair!!! I hope you all enjoy this weekend and celebrate the "last hurrah" of summer! Please head over to my FB page leave a comment and let me know what's up for the weekend or if the fall shows are starting in your area!!!! All my best... Stacy