Hey Girlfriends......
Hopefully your summer is full of loving, sun and fun! Stacy is in her hometown of Roseau with the family and friends living up the good 'ole times. County fairs, lemonade, chatting on the farm and enjoying the charm of growing up in a small town are being passed down to her lovely daughters with each passing day!
As for the Basin..we have been hard at work revamping, brainstorming and stepping up our stitching game! We have some new fun things in the works, including new workshops, club of the month and an HUGE event announcement in September (please watch blog for more details)!
Now we have something fun.......
Stacy and I reminisce a great deal about the differences of growing up in a small town (Stacy) and growing up in the city (Lola) and what memories mean the most to us!
Here's what we are doing...
Briefly share with us your favorite summer memory. We will randomly pick one memory on 7/25 and the winner will receive a $50.00 online credit to Buttermilk Basin. Remember you need to be a follower to be eligible. We will announce the winner Tuesday 7/26!
Here's to sharing the summer loving.....

My favorite summer memories are of lazy days on our farm in Upstate NY. My parents owned a small farm, 160 acres, but my Dad was not a farmer, we rented out the fields for crops. My sister (4 years younger than me) and I would spend hours wandering the pastures that weren't used any more. We loved to pick tiny wild strawberries, they were no bigger than our pinky fingernail. These were ripe soon after school was out. Right before school started back up we'd pick wild blackberries - YUM! We'd love to wade in the creek and eat mint leaves that were growing by the sides of the creek bed. Another favorite stop was the spring house. All our water came from a natural spring where a pump house was built. There we had a "pet" salamander who was always doing push-ups on the concrete slab! Those were wonderful days. ~Ann
A favorite summer memory was taking a road trip with my kids. We drove to Grand Lake, CO to enjoy the beautiful scenery and wildlife.
My favorite summer memory is always the 4th of July weekend at the cabin. Garage sales, fireworks and fun!
My favorite summer memories are hanging out at the beach at our local state park with my hubby & 2 boys. We would spend the day playing on the beach & it the water & then grilling burgers & hot dogs for dinner. We still make it to the beach, just not as often anymore.
Just thinking about summer fun, evokes so many memories. My favorite is when my grandmother was still alive and I spent the summers with her in Amagansett. She was a rug hooker, sewer and had a ceramic studio, so I guess I got my love of crafts from her. In the summers they always had a church fair and I loved the fishing pole game, we always got to win something. I had a lot of family there, so always something fun to do, though I really hated lobster as a child and my uncle always bought some home and we had to eat it, lol.
The first summer memories that comes to mind is staying at my grandparents with my cousins - they lived in town (we lived in the country) and we got to take our bikes and rid around the neighborhood. Then we would get up super early and play the player piano. I still know the words to all of those songs - and now have that player piano at my house. Grandma liked to play Rack-O with us - lots of awesome memories at their house. Thanks for the giveaway, and for allowing me to take the trip down memory lane!
I lived in the country and had a mini-bike when I was a kid. One of my favorite memories is riding to my grandmother's house about 1/4 mile away. I went everywhere on that minibike. It was great fun.
My favorite summer memory is going to the drive-in movies with another family. Our parents would park with an empty spot between the cars. They would spread blankets in the empty spot and get out the fried chicken, potato salad and watermelon etc. for supper. If the movie was something we didn't like there was always the play ground toys under the big screen for us to play on.
My favorite memory is the first time I went to the beach along the eastern shore. I lived in Florida as a child, but my mom hated the beach so we rarely went.My husbands family went to the shore for their vacation every year. Our first vacation there together was heaven! I fell in love with the boardwalk, the seagulls, the smells of the ocean and the food on the boardwalk. There was a whole different atmosphere than in Florida. That was 45 years ago and I still remember that first vacation. We have made that trip every year since then and I now have memories of our children and grandchildren enjoying our summer vacations there. I still love everything about the shore. I have a lot of such sweet memories.
My favorite summer memories are selling Kool-Aid to earn money for fireworks and playing on our swing set with the lawn sprinklers turn on underneath us as we swung! The simple life is best!
One of my favourite summer memories growing up, was working as a lifeguard at our local town pool. Great people to hang around with and you didn't have to worry about what to wear to work!...........swimsuits all summer long!
My favorite summer memory is spending days at a time with Grammie and Grampa at the farm....sitting with them under the big maple tree, picking wild strawberries with Grammie to make jam, the smell of her sheets when I went to bed at night. Ohhh, how I miss them!! I would go brook fishing with Grampa and on hot days he would take me to the local dairy bar for a milkshake. YUM.
my favorite summertime memory is having a "theater" in our backyard, hoping to get rich by charging 5 cent admission. A quilt would hang over the clothesline dividing the stage and backstage. The record player would be plugged into the kitchen outlet through the screen door, and my mom would change the records while my friends and I would sing and dance to the latest 45's. Lemonade would be served at intermission---- ahhhh....the good ole days! gayle
Summer memories...how do you choose just one? going to grandpa and grandma's farm, the week at the cousin's riding horses, county fair, eating raspberries fresh from the garden, selling sweet corn from our garden as a kid, riding my bike to the pool, first summer as a mom, watching the kids in the wading pool, taking the kids camping at state parks, being a grandma for the first time...I just love summer for all of it...and all it's memories...
My fav summer memories are getting out of school and having the entire summer of fun with the farm and 4-H and not knowing how good we really had it!!
I grew up in a very small town and my favorite summer memory is when we would play baseball in the ball field behind our church, we would call all our friends (on the one phone in our parents house) and everyone would ride their bikes to the ball field. We would play all day until the sun started going down and then plan it again for the next day. Great times with great friends, we still talk about it today, 30 years later!
My favorite summer memories are those involving family and outside. There are to many to choose just one. I love the sky at night when the stars a brilliant, the way we get summer thunderstorms that roar through and leave all wet and cool. Walking around barefoot outside. Lazy days, just being. Thanks for helping me remember the joys of Summer!
I'm not sure I have just one summer memory, but a couple things I loved in the summer as a kid was laying in the grass and looking up at the puffy clouds to see what each shape reminded me of. Also, I loved when the ice cream man came down our street~ I knew I'd always 'cool off' w/an icy treat.
My favorite summer memory is taking my family on their very first trip to Wisconsin Dells. We had never taken them anywhere and they had such a wonderful time and so did my husband and I :o)
My favorite summer memory is camping at Sebago State Park in Maine. We would go with our relatives from Canada. It was the best!
one of my favorite summer memories involved one of my favorite pastimes....reading ! We lived outside of town and my mother didn't drive so I couldn't access the library when school was out for the summer.We had a bookmobile( a large bus filled with books) that stopped in various neighborhoods. I was always excited to stock up on books for the week. At the end of the summer the library would hold a themed costume party for those who read the most books.It was great fun and a great summer memory !
When my sons were younger we were still financially insecure. It was hot and we had no a/c in the farmhouse we were remodeling. I would take the boys to the local creek/park where we would spend the day on adventures. We hunted for crayfish, mined for gems/gold, built dams and channels, raced leaf boats, built rock castles and picnicked on the shore. Recently on a family vacation in the mountains, the guys (all grown and in college) went to the creek behind the cabin and raced leaf boats. I am glad to know that those days built happy memories for them as well as me.
My favorite summer memory is going to my grandmothers house. My brother and I had many adventures there. Exploring the attic and unearthing lots of hidden treasures and going into the dark and creepy basement. Best of all summer meant sugar sweet corn on the cob and fresh tomatoes purchased at the nearest roadside farm stand.
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