Happy "LUCKY" Friday!!! Have you seen our TWO exciting releases for this week? Our first one is what we will be giving away today! It's our first block in our last row of our LIVE EACH SEASON “Mystery” Block of the Month!! I can't believe we just hit the last row! This row will not disappoint! I can’t wait to reveal it to you in the next couple of months! SEW… be sure to leave a comment below for a chance to win a kit of Block #10 which features a pair of woolen mittens hanging on a branch!

Can you say "Haunting Halloween Pumpkin Quilt?" (That is the name of our NEW & EXCLUSIVE Block of the Month that we just revealed & started taking signups for!!!!} After Kelly dropped it off today, I did a quick video showing you the entire quilt (including some close ups of the blocks)! If you haven’t seen it… you SEW need to check it out!!! Kelly did a great job quilting it & then she finished it off with feather stitches between each block! I wish you could see this SPOOKTACULAR quilt in person!!! It is STUNNING! All the extra little finishes make it so FUN!!! We hope you enjoy it and consider signing up for this NEW block of the month! I put info about it on the website and here on FB. Act quick, as we bought out all the fabric and wools used in this BOM! So if you want our original version (like what you see), I would sign up asap! The cost is $39.95 + shipping for 7 months and each shipment includes kits for 2 blocks. Then we will have a different amount for the center section and for the finishing kit. The finishing kit will include everything except the backing! We also are offering a thread kit & a button pack for the quilt! Please call the shop at 763-792-0638 M-F from 8am-4pm to sign up.

I had hoped to get pics taken of the Quilts-On-A-Stick winners for today… unfortunately, it didn’t happen – but I am working on and off this weekend and that is on my to do list! It is family weekend at the University of MN, so we have a few things going on with Hannah including a Chili Cook off/tail gating before we head to the the UofM football game! It is supposed to rain… so keep your fingers crossed for me that it doesn’t!!! LOL! I took a couple afternoon’s off this week to spend time with her…. as I have 3 busy weeks coming up where the shop is open twice & I am flying out to a trade show in Houston! Gotta make times for my girls!!! We sure enjoyed hanging out, shopping & going out for supper! Good times!!!

Guess what? It’s time to share my NEW fabric, wool & yarn dyes line with you all!!! I am so excited about this collection! It is GORGEOUS! It is called Buttermilk Basin’s Pumpkin Farm! It features fall on the farm! The colors are rich; the wools are yummy & the yarn dyes are festive! You can mix and match! I just had a blast working on this line! It premieres at the International Quilt Market in 2 weeks! I can’t wait to get the real files and put them on my website so you can see how pretty they are! The samples in the pics I am sharing are just to give you an idea! I hope you love it!!! I really can’t wait to get my hands on that wool! YEEHAW!!!!!!!!!

Oh, another wonderful and sweet block! Can't wait to stitch it. An amazing work you do, with every block I think, this is my favourite one and then you do it again and I have to change my mind! It is just wonderful, thanks so much!
Hugs Martina
Your fabric looks amazing! When does it hit the stores? Probably makes its appearance sometime next year, I'm guessing.
once again my wife is loving your mystery bom. she is only been working with wool for awhile and love the mix it brings to quilts. Christmas is one of her favorite times so she is loving this block. Thank you
A very cute block. Love it.
Thank you for another wonderful BOM.
Block 10 would look so sweet hanging in my entryway all winter! I've always loved wearing mittens and it is a necessity here in Iowa to keep those hands covered and toasty! It is adorable.
Thanks for Block 10...
Can't wait to see the Mystery BOM completed! Thank you for all of the wonderful blocks!
The Mittens on block 10 are awesome. Looking forward to getting started on it. Fall is my favorite time so am looking forward to this particular season. Thanks for the great free BOM!
The Mittens block is adorable!
Love love love it!!!
Cute block. Have fun in Houston, I sadly, will not be going this year. Looking forward to seeing your fabric in your shop.
Love the mittens,
Can't wait for the final reveal!
What a love block, love those mitts......much prefer to look at them rather than wear them :)
I am only on block 3 but so enjoy stitching these great blocks. The mittens are too cute! Thanks for the chance.
Love your wools and flannels, so cozy!
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