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February 27, 2015


Hey- I miss you gals!  Just letting you know I have been resting the last couple of days.... I have definitely seen & felt better days!  Hope you are all doing swell, keeping warm, and enjoying some handwork!  I will be in touch more as I get better!
In the meantime... TODAY is "LUCKY" FRIDAY {YOU PICK 3 PATTERNS OF YOUR CHOICE} and my darling daughter Grace's 13th Birthday!  I can't believe she is a teenager!  I love that girl! ... Actually BOTH my girls!!!  I know some of you have met them and know they are both pretty sweet and really do enjoy visiting with you!  Some kids don't do that these!  But I have been toting them with me to my events since they were born!!!  LOL!  And yet neither one of them are into wool!!!! GO figure!!!  {Once they get older, right!!!?}  Also - on MONDAY registration is OPENING up for our AUTUMN IN THE COUNTRY BARN EVENT!  You won't want to miss out on hanging out with me in class & this fun, memorable event in general!  I guarantee you will have a fantastic time!  Here are the flyers for the event!  I LOVE them!!!  So my question for you is... What do you look for or your favorite part of attending a retreat/workshop?  And yes... It can be for the desserts!!!!!! LOL!!!!  Have a great weekend and I guarantee I will be relaxing reading each of your comments while I am trying to get better!!!! *Thanks for the messages & comments!  It is great to know you care!!! :) 

Also... Don't for get the BLOG HOP starts the 1st with Quilts by Cheri as our first quest!!!! 



meppalmer said...

Happy Birthday to your granddaughter who's 13 today! What a blessing! Love your patterns some of my favorite. Hope you have an extra special day celebrating!

Quiltsmiles said...

I hope Grace has a beautiful Birthday. What a beautiful name too BTW! As for retreats the main reason I attend is to have some time without the daily interruptions working my craft with some friends. A great time for one on one companionship all the while meeting new friends with shared passions.

Mary Schreiner said...

Happy Birthday Grace!! Have a wonderful day!

Mary Ann said...

There are so many reasons to like retreats. Retreats are uninterrupted hours away with sewing friends, or soon to be friends. The sharing of what we know and learning new ideas and techniques we are not familiar with, seeing the work of others, is an experience you will not forget. A retreat with a teacher is an added bonus as they share their specialty or introduce you to something new in the industry. As the retreat winds down, you return home with renewed enthusiasm for your craft.

Paula said...

So excited about your upcoming events!! Trying to figure out how I can make it to the Barn Event! My wheels are turning !!

Leona said...

Happy Birthday, Grace!
Oh, those teenage years...lol
I!m so old I almost forget back that far.
Love BB and all your freebies and patterns. Looking forward to your new fabric line.
Leona Dykes

sunporchquilts said...

How exciting to design your own fabric line! Can't wait to see it! Hope you are feeling better soon.

Unknown said...

I feel lucky!!!

Cfrosty said...

Hope you continue to start to feel better. Enjoy your daughter's birthday. They grow up too fast. I remember our daughter's 13th birthday and she's 28 now.
Can't wait to see your fabric line. Will definitely add it to my stash. Have a great weekend.

cherie r said...

Happy birthday to grace! Lucky 13!!

Linda said...

So glad you are feeling well. Happy events like Grace's Birthday brighten any day. Wish I was closer to take advantage of your gathering. Retreats bring like minds and hands together and help stir the creative spirit. Love your designs and your new fabric line.

Barbara in TN said...

Hope you are better soon - ear infections are no laughing matter. LOVE your patterns, so hope I win!
Thanks for the giveaway -
Barbara in TN

justme said...

Feel better soon. I hope this day will be the turnaround for you. As to the freebie - pick me pick me pick me. Thanks for the chance.

JeanOhio said...

This is my first time here ! Happy Birthday to your Daughter- what a Creative and Fun Mom She has... I know you will make her Day Special. What a Great Idea you have for Lucky Friday... ! ! !

Jacqueline said...

Ouch.. ear problems really hurt. I hope you are on the mend soon.

Thanks for a chance at your Friday freebie..and happy birthday to your "teenager".

Laura said...

Happy Birthday to Grace! What a wonderful time to turn 13! It so awesome to watch them grow...

Unknown said...

Grace is such a lovely name! I hope you and she have a lovely time celebrating. Have fun!

ihook2 said...

Happy Birthday Grace. My granddaughter will be 13 in a few weeks so I know it's an exciting time. Hope you are better soon-

Cathy said...

Happy Birthday Grace. I hope you feel better soon. I too have been off kilter with a chest and head cold. Can't wait for the blog hop. Hugs

Maryjo said...

Happy Birthday Grace! You are so lucky to have such a talented Mother! I bet you will have a special day together!

Brenda said...

Happy birthday Grace. I hope your ear infection clears up soon. I don't have the money to attend retreats but I think the best thing would be being inspired by others projects and making new friendships.

Lori L said...

I look forward to getting my quilting inspiration sparked by seeing all the projects everyone else is working on and drooling.

Unknown said...

I feel like I'm a lucky person because I have the luxury of spending every Wednesday at my friend's Wool Studio (Jan Peckenpaugh - My Little House in Katy, Texas). I meet there with a lovely group of ladies and we work in wool, punch, rug hook or cross stitch!
I'd love to go to a proper retreat, maybe one day. Happy birthday Grace! My Holly will be 13 in couple of weeks :).

Claire said...

Wow, already celebrating lucky 13! How exciting and I hope Grace has a fabulous day. Ear infections are so painful. Sure hope you are better soon. Love all your great designs, Stacy. Thanks for the updates and chance to win.

Clairellen said...

Hi! As mom of 4 and grandma to 10, I know that children are our best gift from God. Age 13 is very interesting! Hope you feel better.

Donna G. said...

Autumn in the Country sounds like so much fun!

Lyn said...

How exciting to be 13. That is a wonderful year. I raised 8 kids so I sure know about 13! ;-)
Hope you start feeling better!

Grannie Smith said...

Happy Birthday, Grace! My granddaughter's middle name is Grace. I love that name.
I'm so excited for your upcoming fabric line. The sneak peek looks lovely.
Laurie in Brigham City

Mountain Home Quilts said...

Wish we lived closer to attend the Barn Event. Sounds like pure bliss! :)
A Happy Birthday to your daughter today!
Have a blessed weekend.

Grannie Smith said...

Happy Birthday, Grace! My granddaughter's middle name is Grace. I love that name.
I'm so excited for your upcoming fabric line. The sneak peek looks lovely.
Laurie in Brigham City

Denise said...

Your designs are beautiful. Congratulations on your fabric line!

B J Chaplin said...

I hope you feel better soon so you'll feel like quilting. I would love to win three of your patterns.

Nancy said...

This is my first time here for lucky Friday as I just recently signed up for email notifications. Oh what a bunch of fun patterns I see! Maybe today will be my lucky day too.
Hope your ear is a little better each day. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anne said...

Happy Birthday to Miss Grace. My daughter doesn't even know what a needle is. :(
Glad you're feeling a bit better. Wish I lived closer to attend the barn event. Take care.

Patti L. said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Grace and hope that you are feeling better....soon!! Thank you for the chance to win...love everything you create!!

sewsherry said...

I have recently discovered your blog and website. I would love to be the lucky one to win three patterns. Feel better soon

quilter000 said...

Wow a chance to wind some of your patterns how sweet can the day get!? 13 one of my most favorite numbers. lucky girl for sure. your fabric is gorgeous and look forward to getting myself some as soon as it makes its way to the LQS have a great day and get better. stay warm are the key words for me -14 here tonight!!

Loris said...

Happy Birthday to Grace! what a fun way to celebrate :-) I sure hope your ear woes are resolved soon and that you are back to feeling good.
Can't wait to see the new fabrics. the sneak peaks look wonderful!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Grace, it's a GREAT day! My birthday, too. It's cold here, but the sun is shining!! What I like about retreats: I get to spend it with my best friends (my sisters) and now nieces. It's like a weekend slumber party. Have a super day and Birthday.

Linda said...

Happy Birthday to Grace. Hope she has a wonderful day. Love retreats where you get to meet some new friends.

marie said...

Happy Birthday Grace. Love the patterns.

wendy said...

Happy birthday to your daughter and I hope your ear is better soon.

quilter47 said...

Happy 13th! What a special event for both mother and daughter. I love retreats because I get a lot done on my own time frame and I get to spend one on one time with some of my best quilting buddies.

Gayle said...

Hey, today is my mom's birthday too! My favorite part of a retreat is spending quality time with like minded people - so uplifting!

Susanb-m said...

Happy Grace ! Happy Birthday! This is the best blog site going!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your daughter! My own youngest is now 20, and I'm sure I still treat her as if she were 5. She'll be going for her cap and gown today in preparation for graduation from college come May. It's been a long four years and she's more than ready. She's grown up in our quilt shop (we bought it when she was 9) so I understand your comment about your daughter not being into wool. Mine isn't really into fabric, but boy can she do embroidery work. Right now she prefers handwork to machine work because it's portable and she can take it to school with her. Like you said, I'm hoping that one of these days she'll decide machines aren't all that bad and piecing together a quilt is doable without school to keep her busy.

Hope you can get your ear problems straightened out soon. I know you have to be miserable.

Anonymous said...

I love learning something different at a retreat, and getting away from home for a couple of days. time spent just for me......

LesQuilts said...

Hi Stacy! Thank you again for your generosity! E best thing about retreats for me is learning from other people! Colour choices, designs, techniques, sewing table tips, notions, etc! Loving the BOM blocks! Drooling to attend the Barn Retreat! Take care, Leslie

Sandi said...

Stacy I'm glad you are continuing to improve, thanks so much for your generous give always!

I hope to come down to the barn event in September, it sounds like fun!

Michelle said...

My favorite part is the whole thing! LOL I really love having hours and hours to sew, I love visiting with other ladies who understand my passion, and I love the sharing and inspiration that takes place. I love all of it!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!! It's my birthday TOO!!!...not 13th but 58th anniversary of MY 13th birthday. Have a wonderful day!

Marsha B said...

Happy Birthday Grace! Thirteen is such a special birthday, a teenager! Hope you are feeling better, too. It is no fun being sick. Have a great day!

Miccosukee said...

Congrats on having your own line of fabrics! And a big Happy Birthday to Grace who at 13 is officially a teenager! Would love to attend your Barn event, but the drive from north Florida is bit long for me. Best wishes on all your wonderful projects!

Lana said...

Love your designs!!!! Your retreat sounds awesome. A few of use girls are tring to plan to get there in 2016.. Wish use luck.

Quiltingmama said...

Retreats are a great time to spend time with friends and learn new techniques. Love your new fabric! Feel better! Thanks for the giveaway!!,

kathiquilts said...

Many Happy Returns of the Day to your sweet girl (my 1st grandchild is also a sweet Grace after my Mom); congratulations on your gorgeous new fabric line and lots of wishes for a speedy recovery on that nasty ear trouble

Josephine said...

Can't wait to see your new fabric line. I am sure it will be wonderful. Happy birthday to Grace.

tammik said...

Recently found your site! So enjoyable. Love doing wool applique

Sue said...

Happy Birthday Grace. My granddaughter will be 13 in March and it will be a happy and nostalgic day. She, also, is most wonderful

Janet O. said...

I'm sorry that your health has been so slow in returning. : (
Happy Birthday to Grace!
Your barn event sounds wonderful! Wish it wasn't so far away.
My favorite parts of retreats are the dedicated sewing time, and meeting great people like you!

Penny said...

Well I'm into wool and am just looing for some time away from I have. You just keep exposing Grace to all this fun stuff, and she'll join us in no time. : )

Melanie said...

Happy 13th Birthday! 13 is a LUCKY number as I was born on Friday, the 13th! Hope it's a great day!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Grace! It is my dad's 85th birthday today too. Hoping you are feeling better soon! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I so enjoy your blog. Happy Birthday to the new teenager. I am also very thankful for the lovely BOM's. You are so talented in your designs. Thank you. I have used many of your patterns and love them. Have a great day and get well soon.

Anonymous said...

Hope Grace has the best birthday ever! And please feel better with your ear infection. It took me awhile to get over my last one. So painful. I absolutely love your designs and have several of your patterns. Would love a chance to win. Thanks and take care.

Lorene Holbrook said...

happiest of happys to your daughter! I sooooo want to win! thanks for the chance!

CantstopQuilting said...

Happy Birthday Grace! Ear infections are awful. Feel better soon!

Deborah said...

Happy Birthday Grace. Entering your Teen Years is a lot fun. Hope you can make some great memories

Maggey and Jim said...

Happy Birthdat Grace. Hope your ear gets better soon. You have been through a lot . I have been sewing since 7th grade, then started quilting in 1986. I have 2 daughters and neither one sew, they are both in their 50's. Do you think theiri is hope ?

Nancy in Oregon said...

A Very Happy 13th Birthday to Grace. What a wonderful day to become a teenager. So many great days to come, Grace. Always stay a good girl, and the world will be your oyster. We're all girls, only some of us have wrinkles! Take care of yourself, Stacy, and get completely well. Spring is coming!

Julie said...

Happy birthday Grace and hoping you feel better soon! Love your patterns and your current BOM...Thanks!

Gwynette in NW Arkansas said...

I've never been to a retreat, but I love workshops because its spending time sewing with friends and usually learning a new technique.
My granddaughter just turned 13 so I know you and your daughter are stepping down a new path!! Enjoy!!

Mary Ellen said...

Take care of yourself, Stacy! You might need a tube in your ear! :-)

Jan c. said...

Happy birthday to grace!!! Exciting to be a teenager!!!

Jan c. said...

Happy birthday to grace!!! Exciting to be a teenager!!!

Bonnie58 said...

I hope Grace has a wonderful 13 B'day. Love your designs. Thanks so much for sharing

Angeliasue said...

Have a great time w/your family & friends celebrating such a special birthday! Angeliasue angel4u2@cox.net

Crystal said...

Wow can't believe it is Friday! This year is going by so fast. Thanks for a chance to win 3 patterns. Hope you are feeling better and can celebrate time with your children. Special time enjoy every moment making wonderful memories!

Unknown said...

Hope Grace (my mom's name and I love it!!) has a wonderful birthday
My favorite part of classes and retreats is the teacher - I love learning all she/he has to impart. I love it when it's with wool too :)- Desserts are fine, but the teacher sticks with you even better!

Kathy said...

Happy Birthday, Grace! The best thing about retreats for me is meeting new people and making new quilty friends. I've met some really nice people from different parts of the country and we're able to keep in touch via blogs and emails after the event.

BJK said...

Hope that you are feeling better soon!

Kathy H said...

Happy birthday to Grace. I love getting lots of sewing done but my favorite part is the laughter with friends.

Jennie in GA said...

Hope you are feeling better. My favorite part of a workshop is all of the tips I get from the teacher as well as the other participants.

Candee said...

My favorite is all that time to sew & stitch with no chores or meals to cook. I also love hanging out with all those kindred spirits!

Marlene said...

Glad you're on the mend. I hope you all enjoy the Birthday celebrations for your daughter.
You are very generous to do this free drawing every Friday....WOOHOO!

Donnette said...

Ty for your wonderful patterns!

Marlene Sheppard said...

Happy Happy Birthday Grace. Hope she has a wonderful day. I think my favorite thing about a retreat is getting to spend some uninterrupted time for sewing and spending quality time with some great friends. Can't beat either of those two.
Thanks Marlene from Utah.
p.s. I love the pattern I received in the mail today.

Karen said...

I love the dedicated sewing time without the distractions of home. Happy Birthday to Grace!

Anonymous said...

I've never been to a retreat. Hope to go to one some day. Have taken a few classes. Lucky me. Even had to join a guild to take a class by Lisa Bongean. I had to drive 80 miles to get to the class, didn't know a soul there, and almost turned around and went home. So glad I didn't leave. Wonderful class, great ladies there. Quilters are so fun. I love the fellowship and learning something new. And Happy Birthday Grace.

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