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April 3, 2015

Lucky Friday! Sale goods on our website!

All I can say is I made it to "Lucky" Friday!!!  Hot diggetty!!!!  Anyone else have a whirlwind week, like I did!?!  If so, I'm glad you made it through as well!   And to top it off... we are in April already... and Sunday is Easter!  What!!!????!!!  I haven't even enjoyed much Easter candy yet!  

My week in review is simple... Work, eat...light sleep!  {Maybe even lack of sleep!  Lol}.  As a creative person- I have trouble shutting off my mind... especially at night!  I like to work late when everyone else is in dreamland!  It seems like my day gets better and better as the day goes on!  Today my daughter {after giving me grief for going to bed at 7am} said I'm nocturnal!  She cracks me up!  I'm hoping to be able to tell her I went to bed by 5am today!  Lol!  

Anyhow... I really have pretty much been working...so not much new with me!  I'm loving working with the new fabric and creating a new, fresh look for you all!  I'm confident you will enjoy it!  While I've been working- Jodi has been putting more kits and specials on the web!  The feedback we've gotten about that is awesome!  So thank you all for growing along with us!  She's pulled a bunch of patterns this week and we are offering you some great deals!  So be sure to go to www.buttermilkbasin.com and check them out!  These are very limited.... Also, I made sure she added a couple fusible webbing products per your request.  We will be starting to carry more supplies as time goes on.  We also added Transfer Ease for your embroidery needs!  I'm not sure what else went up-but do know it is under Shop Online/Misc.  

I'd also like to thank you all for taking time to check in with us, share your progress/finished pieces with everyone and inspire us to keep moving forward each week!  It's great knowing you feel part of the Basin!  That's so cool!  Always know you are the reason BB exists!  I come from very "Humble Beginnings".  I grew up in a small town called Roseau.  I lived 6 miles out of town, in the country....named Fox.  Apparently my grandma used to work in the cafe (back in the day) across the highway at Fox.  I think they may have had a gas station/service station there too.... and Roseau only had 1 stop light in town growing up!  Since then... They've upgraded to 3! 

Time is ticking and I'm ready to hit the hay!  I'd like to wish each of you a Happy Easter!  I hope you all have safe travels and enjoy time with family & friends!  AND... I hope Easter Bunny is very good to you!  We are having a simple Easter with just us four... Dying some eggs... Hannah and I are cooking... and I'm sure there will be chocolate involved somewhere!!!  So my question for you is...what's your favorite Easter candy and are you celebrating/hosting this weekend?  Please leave your comment for a chance to win these 3 patterns!  Enjoy!


Julie said...

Favorite candy: Reeses Peanut butter egg!!!!! Make me happy!

Darlene Wegrynowski said...

Dark chocolate marshmallow eggs. Going to my daughters home for easter, and just have to make picnic potatoes!

Janet O. said...

Favorite Easter candy--Cadbury mini eggs.
We will be hosting our usual family Sunday dinner of 13.

Anonymous said...

Favorite Easter candy... Jelly beans! Having my girls over and their hubbies for lunch :o) Have a wonderful Easter!

Sheila said...

Chocolate is my favorite. We'll be spending a quite day at home.
Happy Easter

Rebecca said...

Doves solid dark chocolate bunnies and yes I start with the ears!

Marian said...

Malted eggs and pastel peanut M&Ms, by the handfuls! I'll be smoking a ham for friends. Yum.

Marsha B said...

Anything with chocolate is my favorite, love some Reeses peanut butter shaped eggs. I like those marshmallow eggs, too. And a few Peeps but not a lot!
Thanks for a chance to win your giveaway and Happy Easter!

Gwynette in NW Arkansas said...

Cadbury eggs are on top of my list. We will be doing Easter alone, recovering from two weeks of grandchildrens spring break!!!!!

Unknown said...

It is very quiet and peaceful day today - before the busy robotics comp. tomorrow. We don't celebrate this weekend so eating Easter candy will probably not be high on the agenda. Though I do miss the fabulous Easter eggs from Iceland with their little saying inside!

Anonymous said...

We are staying in a camp trailer down south, in a pasture. Calving almost 500 cows. It's hitting the 80s, and warms up in the trailer. So I have a small ham I will warm on the BBQ, and buy some potato salad at Walmart. And maybe a coconut cake. No elecricity here, so can't run the air conditioner. Gonna watch the Easter Sunrise and have some time with the LORD. Probably got to do some stitching too.

Gail said...

Since its Easter, I have to say I love Peeps. It's a departure from my normal chocolater preferences. Peeps are pretty colors and the chicks are pleasingly plump. Just like me. Lol

colleen said...

I have to work Easter Sunday, go to work @ 6:30 pm, work till 7am Monday morning, so hubby & I will be going out for an Easter buffet Sunday afternoon. He doesn't think I should have to cook before working 12 1/2 hours. I might get some sewing done that day too, need to try to get a nap too....

heathquilter said...

Love the Russell Stover special chocolate eggs--all flavors! We are spending Easter with our son and his wife! Happy Easter to you!

Cindy P said...

I'll eat anything chocolate, and jelly beans !!I'm cooking ! Yikes ! Happy Easter !!

linny said...

Favourite Easter candy is Malteser Bunnies. Having the whole family for lunch, from Great grandma to grandchildren & everyone in between.

Donna G. said...

Reese's peanut butter eggs are my favorite!

Angeliasue said...

Chocolate anything! I'm hosting, but it will be a small group & pleasant. Angeliasue angel4u2@cox.net

Karen in Colorado said...

Favorite Easter candy: Jelly Beans! We will be enjoying a nice, quiet day at home.

Anonymous said...

Peanut butter m&m's of course! Going to my sister's house in Hastings after church!
Happy Easter!🐣🐇

Barbara said...

Chocolate coated marshmallow eggs are my favourite. I have family coming for the day and the grandchildren have requested an Easter egg hunt.

Cathy said...

My favorite candy is Cadbury eggs. I am going to my daughter's with the rest of the family for dinner. I'm bringing ambrosia. Hugs and thanks for the great giveaway.

Tammy in Ontario, Canada said...
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Tammy in Ontario, Canada said...

Love your blog. Happy Easter. I too love the chocolate covered mashmallows and the chocolate covered marshmallows with the carmel are my favourite too.

Joellyn P. said...

Happy Easter to you and yours. We had a crazy week as well traveling from MI to IN to get my sister prepped and ready for Uterine Cancer Surgery. The good news is the surgery is over and she is recovering better than expected for a person with early Alzheimer's. God has been with us all the way this week.

susiefloozie said...

Fill my basket with Cadbury Eggs ... Cream, Caramel, or mini chocolate ones with crunchy shells1 YUMMY!

Flocoton said...

My favorite candy for Easter comes from France (thanks to my Mom for sending some of them every year!) They are nougatine eggs covered with white chocolate... Yummm...
This year Easter will be short for us, because we are leaving for Chicago tomorrow morning to get our passport renewed on Monday. Hope the weather will be nice so we can enjoy a little bit of walking along the lake.
Happy Easter to you and your family!

Donna W said...

Dove dark chocolate! Staying home this year and having a relaxing day. Happy Easter.

moosecraft said...

These patterns are so cute! I'd love to stitch them all! :-) The eyes on the cats for the fall pattern crack me up! Haven't tried soft fuse for wool yet... My hubby and I are having a quiet easter at home here just the two of us. So, looks like I'll be stitching on some wool projects and enjoying cadbury mini eggs all weekend! :-)

Karen in Breezy Point said...

My favorite Easter treat would be Cadbury Eggs--Yum! Have a wonderful Easter--we will be having a nice at-home brunch.

usagypsy said...

I'm going to have to try the soft fuse for my wool. I always have a hard time fusing wool. Favorite candy? Love me some jelly beans. But today my daughter brought me some Cadbury caramel eggs! Ohhh they are so good!

Anonymous said...

the malted eggs are my favorite. I am headed to a nieces house because rest of the family is either gone or working.

Lori L said...

Not hosting Easter but will be eating lots of my favorite Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs.

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