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October 24, 2015

Market Give Away! Photos & more!

Let's get these giveaways rockin over on the FB page!  Up for grabs tonight are 2 NEW Australian Virgin Wool Floss packs from Valdani.  They're new, colorfast & are perfect for wool appliqué!  Then I also picked up a bundle of hand dyed wool! The colors are muted and yummy!

Today was DAY 1 of market!  All I can say is I am having a blast!  Today I had the opportunity to meet so many AMAZING BB fans, supporters, voters {and no, I didn't win! But, I'm already a winner in life...so it's all good!  And having you gals in my life is the icing on the cake!!!  And no!!!  I have no desire to run for anything!!  Lol!  They were teasing me today!!!} & some of my FAV shop owners!  {This show is new to me, so I'm meeting many new gals!!}. I can't believe so many people read my blog and enjoy my work!  I'm humbled!  Wow!  We laughed, shared stories & had discussions about who's my biggest stalker!  Lol!  Seriously!  I love you gals!!!!  

Today I also got out a bit and had more fun meeting more cool vendors, & visiting {and buying antique quilt tops} with the antique quilt dealers here.  I typically never have time to look at them, much less shop!  But since fall market is slower in general... I enjoyed myself so much today!   Of course, (I'm Chatty Cathy here!) so I kept taking a couple steps and running into friends & my awesome shop owners!  Here's the shout out to Merry's Stitchin (like I promised!)!  She has a fantastic primitive shop in Iowa!  Her daughter is next to her and she is the one behind the Quilting Possibilities  patterns that you see everywhere!!!  I also met the gals behind the Row By Row & license makers for all those fantastic shop hops you all go to!  It's so cool to see all the shops signing up and getting their goods on order!  They {as well as myself} have some new & fun concepts in the works!  I'm not sure if I can mention anything?!?! but it involves wool!!!  I'll leave it at that!!!  I'm also giving a shout out to Pieceful  Gatherings quilt shop!  They are another great shop out of Illinois!  We're trying to set something up where I come out there and teach!  So keep an eye out for that in the future!!!  

Kelly's also doing great at her first market!  It's been quite an experience!  She had a blast at Sample Spree, is in "eye candy overload" & loving all the flash flood warnings we're in down here!  We just got one that goes until 1:00 now!  

Please leave a comment over in our FB page for a chance to win 1 of these items!  I'm turning in for the night- but before I do... Check out some more pics I shared of the "Mystery" BOM's & of the friendship gathering where they made those cute mummies on the FB page too!  Did I mention how much I love my job and YOU all???? 😃😃😃😃. I'll post more tomorrow!  

October 23, 2015

Setting up at market!

Ok!  Booth is set up!  Here are a couple pics of the "setting up" of the show!  I believe there are 28 ish rows with many, many vendors with various booth sizes on each side of the isles!!  Things won't be complete until morning!  After everyone is set up, they will put down the carpet!  (Usually a bright blue!! Lol)!  Sample spree begins in 50 minutes!  Vendors will set up tables with their product on it and sell models, pattern sets, fabric bundles etc!  The women have been lined up for hours!  I'll take a pic of all of them once we get up there!  It's gonna be wild in there tonight!!!!

Market in Houston! Giveaways coming!

Greetings from Houston!  It's "LUCKY" Friday over on oir FB page!  And it's going to be a great weekend of "luckiness" all around!  Since I'm here at International Quilt Market... I'll be picking up NEW patterns and such from some very amazing designers/companies!  So keep an eye out for the "LUCKY" Friday logo in pictures, because I will randomly be giving away those goods throughout the next several days {on oir FB page} instead of today {since I just flew into town}!!!  I'll also do my best to share my journey at market and festival with you!  Any special requests to things you'd like to see pics of or read about?  Let me know!!!

Tomorrow we will pick up our box of minimal table top displays!  If you know me- you know I love my PROPS!  So having a simple booth is going to be sooooo hard for me!!!  But- in a few days my husband will be here with the truck & trailer and I will have props for the 2nd show!  Yeehaw!  I seriously can't believe I "let go" and flew in with my booth in bags!  Crazy!!! 😂😂😂

On the flip side...we've only been here a couple of hours and we already realized a couple of things...
A- You can still rock capris, flip flops  and a sweatshirt {with no make up on & hair in a pony} in a fancy hotel! 
B-A pizza bagel & chocolate chip muffin beats out a seafood meal {in the rotating restaurant on the top floor} any day!
C-We LOVE the Texas accents!!!!
D-They don't know what "pop" is!!!!
...I'm sure there will be more to add to this last as the days go by!!!  I'll keep you posted!!!! Lol!

I'm off to relax!  Gotta start catching up on some lost sleep over the past couple of weeks!!!  Last night I didn't even sleep because I was going over everything & making sure I got everything together for both shows!  Glad to be here and ready to get the ball rolling!  See you tomorrow!!!  

October 20, 2015

Thank you SEW much!

Who knew that a simple step of being nominated in the MSL American Made Event would be the beginning of such a {GREAT} journey! 

It was just a few weeks ago when I decided to {BE BRAVE} and share this journey with each of you!!  It's been a wild ride, let me tell you!  A swell one...I may add, as well!  To think that my hometown, friends, family, colleagues & my {AWESOME} BB followers rallied together to help spread the word & to make this happen for my "humble" company is SEW awesome!!!!.  Seriously, we hit over 80,000 votes!  Blows my mind!!!  You guys {ROCK}!!!  WOW! {THANK you}!!!

Also, to love my designs is one thing... But to love the "person" behind the designs is truly a blessing!!  So whether I win or loose this contest... I could not have imagined going through it without each one of you!  You made this "small-town" girl believe that anything is possible and remember to always {DREAM BIG}!  THANK YOU ALL...not only for your daily {6} votes, but for your continued support, encouragement, excitement & joy you brought to me each day!  You made this journey unforgettable!!!  

I {BELIEVE} in Buttermilk Basin and will continue to share, inspire & hold steadfast its principles based on integrity & a set of values my Great Grandma Lily instilled in me so many years ago!  If only Lily & my "mother hen" could be here enjoying the journey with us too! ❤️ Love you all!!!  ..... Let's see where the journey leads us!!! {PS * I LOVE you too, Miss MARTHA.... thanks for this {AMAZING} opportunity!!!  XO Stacy

October 19, 2015

Christmas JOY blog hop!!!!

More exciting NEWS!  Once again, I've gathered a few of my favorite designers for another Holiday Blog Hop!  This year I'm calling it "Christmas JOY" because more then anything... I want to make your days merry & bright!!! 🎄 Mark your calendars!

October 16, 2015

Halloween Special, Recipe & New Project in Magazine

Welcome to the last day of the online Halloween Party!  

What a fantastic week this has been!  I hope you all enjoyed this party with me!!!  Thank you so much for following along!  

Before you know it, we'll be meeting back here again for our annual 12 Days of Christmas Blog Hop!  But, before I start posting about that this weekend... I need to give away those candy corn wool bundles!  If you see your name below... Please email me at swest@buttermilkbasin.com with your name/address!  Congrats!

I would also like share another yummy recipe with you, a few HALLOWEEN decorating ideas with our Halloween designs and offer a "FREE" 5 Woolen Jacks pattern with any order placed today!  As you can see below, the quilt is "Kitty" approved!

I love displaying items in cupboards!  Use vintage tins and autumn smelling potpourri to enhance the season! 

Runners adorn your table... while old dough bowls, chicken feeders and ladders serve as other unique pieces to showcase your work!

This pattern is free with any purchase today only on our website at www.buttermilkbasin.com!

This is a quick and easy cheeseball that my daughter Hannah enjoys making!  You can't go wrong with the bacon!!!

Don't forget to check out the new Primitive Quilts magazine!  We've got this little lovely in there just waiting to be stitched up in time for the Holidays!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend and please continue to follow the blog for more fun, recipes & tidbits!!! Stacy

October 15, 2015

FOX 9 Morning BUZZ! Mystery BOM, Block 10 & A Giveaway!

Happy Halloween! 
Today is DAY {6} of our online Halloween Party!  I am thrilled to be sharing my {love} for this delightful season with each of you!  I can't believe how many of you have been following along!  The more the merrier!!! 
Before I begin to share today's special edition of our "MYSTERY" BOM, Block 10 during our party... I have to say I am on "pins & needles" waiting to watch the FOX 9 news in the morning {just a few hours away!}...  My company will be featured on the Morning Buzz Segment!  I am being featured as a MN Martha Stewart Living, American Made finalist!  My neighbor Sally and I drove down to the TV station and dropped off a few of my designs!  It was pretty cool!  It was fun to get a glimpse of the station!!  So if you are local... be sure to tune in at 9.  It will be featured on air at 9:15~!  Soooo right after would be a fantastic opportunity to cast your votes!  We only have 5 DAYS to rise to the top!!!!! PLEASE help spread the word and encourage your friends and family to jump in on the final days of this journey with us!  Every vote matters!!!!  WE CAN DO THIS!  {Thanks a bunch for all the support!  I really am blessed beyond measure!!!} 
Here is the link!
{WE ARE CLOSE TO 65,000 VOTES!!!!!!!  WOW!!!!!  75,000 HERE WE COME!!!}

Today I also have a "FRIGHTFULLY" SPOOOOKY TREAT for you!!!! 
In the spirit of Halloween and giving...
I will be having a giveaway for these gorgeous wool bundles today! 
They are so cute, I can hardly part with some!!!  I have them sitting in an old dough bowl at the studio!  So before you leave... be sure to comment on the blog post {below} for a chance to win one of these candy corn bundles!!!!  Good LUCK!
And now.... the special "Halloween" edition of our "MYSTERY" BOM, Block 10!  I couldn't resist doing a jack-o-lantern!  It is just perfect for this crisp fall month of October!  Enjoy!  KITS are available, as always, for all blocks on our website at www.buttermilkbasin.com

PS* Don't forget to share your work to our Buttermilk Basin FB Page or on Instagram!  And...be sure to pass this along to your friends too!  Better yet, hold a stitching night with your "ghoulfriends" and watch the MAGIC happen!

Please go to www.buttermilkbasin.com to purchase your pattern/kit.   
HAVE A MARVELOUS DAY!!!  See you tomorrow!!! Stacy

October 14, 2015

Halloween FREE Project Challenge & More!!!!!

 Welcome back!!!  Today is DAY {5} of our Halloween Party!!!  WOW!  It is flying by!  I can barely get my work done before it is time to post again!!  Today I have a challenge for you!  This design is your "FREE" project today!  As you can see, we hooked it!  Now, I know most of you are not rug hookers... but I want to see you get creative, print out the pattern and see what you can do with it!  You can stitch it, paint it or bedazzle it! LOL!!!  I want to challenge you to do something fun with this design and share it with us before Halloween!  You can email it to me, post it to my FB page or tag me on Instagram!  Let's have fun and work some Halloween "magic" with this design!  Here is the link to click and print!!!  Enjoy! 
Pumpkin Magic Cake
I don't know what a Halloween party would be without this magic cake!  This one is simply too good not to share with you all! 
For the Cake
  • 1 box of yellow cake mix PLUS ingredients needed to make (eggs, water, oil)
For the Pumpkin Pie
  • 1 (15oz) can Pumpkin Puree
  • ½ cup evaporated milk
  • ½ cup heavy cream
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
For the Frosting
  • 1 (4 serving size) box vanilla instant pudding mix
  • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 cup cold milk
  • 8 oz Cool Whip, thawed
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Prepare box of cake mix according to package instructions, then pour into a lightly greased 9"x13" cake pan. DO NOT BAKE. Set aside.
  3. In another bowl whisk together the ingredients for the Pumpkin Pie (pumpkin, evaporated milk, cream, eggs, brown sugar, and pumpkin pie spice), until smooth. Slowly pour the pumpkin pie mixture all over the cake mix.
  4. Carefully place cake into the oven and bake for 50-60 minutes or until the center is no longer jiggly, and a toothpick inserted into cake mix comes out clean. NOTE: The cake might be slightly darker than normal, but still tastes great. Let cool to room temperature.
  5. Make the frosting: Place the vanilla pudding mix into a large bowl, add the pumpkin pie spice and pour in the cold milk. Whisk until combined and starting to thicken. Gently fold in the Cool Whip until it's completely combined. Spread on top of the cooled cake.
  6. You can serve now, or chill the cake, and serve when chilled. Either way tastes great. Enjoy!
As Halloween fast approaches... we anxiously await to go to our neighbor Mary's house for a little Halloween fun!  Every year she dresses up her puppy in various Halloween costumes!  I have to say... the hula girl was my FAV!  She also serves us one of a kind decorated cupcakes (with real homemade frosting!!), warm drinks & supper!  What more could you ask for!  Then we usually head back home and light a fire in our fire pit and have the neighbors over for another party with apps & drinks!  The kiddos walk around the circle and gather candy from all the neighbors!!!  Such a fun night!  I sure will miss it this year as I am going to Houston for Market & Festival! 

October 13, 2015

DAY {4} of our Halloween Party! Velvet Pumpkin & FREE pattern!

Happy Happy Halloween!!!! 
Welcome to DAY {4} of the Halloween Party!!! 
Weren't the game board quilts cute!  I can't wait to use my fabrics to sew a couple up!  They would look great with a carved jack-o-lantern all aglow on it!  Nice job Sheri!!!
I also want to give a huge THANK YOU to those of you are not giving up on the VOTING!  We still have a shot at winning this contest as they revaluate the invalid votes!  So now, more then ever, we need to vote and spread the word to all our "goblins & ghoulfriends"!!!  We can do this!!! 
 LOVE, OLIVER the {Batman!}
* Please be sure you are logged in with a password to vote or your votes won't count.  You can vote {6} times right in a row.  It should say 5 votes left, 4 votes left until you run out... Quick and easy!
Today I have another great project for you to make!  I know you will LOVE it!  It is made with velvet and may be orange!!!  But.... before I get to sharing my free project with you, I wanted to share a few pictures of my Halloween Party we had a couple of years ago!  Up until recently, I used to host Halloween costume parties for my friends and family!  I really enjoyed coming up with a theme, a menu and games for the kids!  As I was revisiting these pictures... I realized how creative the children were as they decorated their pumpkins with candy!  Not only were they creative, but they were fearless and each had their own vision of what a pumpkin face should look like!.  They had no expectations and did whatever made them happy!  I think those are some great thoughts for us to keep in mind when we are working in any medium.  Don't be afraid to color outside of the lines or put a new twist on your work!  Bring out that inner child, let go of what you think you should do... just be and create!  Enjoy the process!!!

No two pumpkins were alike....  Playing musical chairs!

Check out the creative Jacks!

I love these kids!!! 
Ok... It is time to bring on the pumpkin!!!! 
Now for another "FREE" gift!  I am giving away this SPOOKTACULAR Halloween pattern with any $10 pattern order {before shipping}!  All you need to do is place your order online and you will automatically receive this with your order!  What a fun treat!!!! 

We still have {3} more days of Halloween goodness ahead!  See you tomorrow!!! Stacy

October 12, 2015

FREE Game Board pattern on DAY {3} of our Halloween Party!

The Halloween FUN continues..... WELCOME to DAY {3}!  It sure sounds like you all have been enjoying the party so far!  I still have much more in store for you, so keep checking daily! 
Did any of you have a chance to make the dip or cookies???  My family and I have been snacking on them both today {except Grace, she's not a PB girl or spicy girl}!!!  She's missing out!  Can't believe she doesn't love PB!  I LOVE PB!!!  And BTW, that dip was even better with the cheese added! LOL!
Today I tried to get my "black cat" Wilma to pose for me... but all she wanted to do was be lazy!!!  So, I went to my next best option and decked out Oliver for you!  I also couldn't resist sharing this great decorating idea we did last year at the BARN Event!  All you need to do is take a pair of vintage legs (I know you all have a pair of them just sitting around in your spare closet! LOL) and put on some Halloween tights, a pair of boots and place them in an urn!  It makes a great statement piece by your front door!!! 
Today I also have another super easy recipe for you to enjoy!  
For the crumb topping:
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup old fashioned oats
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
dash of salt
1/3 cup unsalted butter, diced into small chunks
For the apple filling:
3-4 large Granny Smith apples, peeled and sliced thin
3 Tbsp butter, melted
2 Tbsp flour
1 Tbsp lemon juice
3 Tbsp milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
dash of salt
Serve with Vanilla Ice Cream
1.   Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
2.   In a medium size bowl combine the crumb topping ingredients with a fork or pastry blender until it resembles small crumbs. Refrigerate while you prepare the apple filling.
3.   For the Apple Filling: In a small bowl, combine melted butter and flour until well blended. Add lemon juice, milk and vanilla and stir well. Stir in brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Pour butter mixture over apples and toss to coat. Pour apple mixture into an 8x8-inch baking dish and spread into an even layer. Sprinkle crumb topping evenly over the apples. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown and top is set. Remove from oven and allow to cool for at least 10 minutes before serving.
Now for the TREAT of the DAY....
As you now I love Halloween!!! So does my "ghoulfriend" Sheri, from Calico Moon!  She many be more of a Halloween lover then I am! So I asked if she wanted to join my hop and share a project!  She, of course, said YES!  Please click the link below for a downloadable note & pattern instructions for these darling game board quilts from Sheri! I LOVE them!  They would look great done up in my Humble Beginnings fabric!
Before I wrap up DAY {3}, I would like to thank you for all the comments!  Here is a list of the winners of the Basin Banners thru the Year, October patterns...  Congratulations!!!  If you are a winner, please email me at swest@buttermilkbasin.com with you name and address asap so I can get your pattern in the mail!

Crickets Corner
Brenda Jeffers
Marsha Jean
Sharon Pack
Kathy Bahn
Janet O.
More FUN, projects & giveaways are coming!!!  See you tomorrow!!!  Stacy

October 11, 2015

Halloween Party DAY {2}! Recipes, FREE Project & a Giveaway

Welcome to DAY {2} of our online Halloween Party!  We hope yesterday's "Merrie Halloween" pattern special and our "Candy Corn Woolen Treats" were enjoyed by all! 
Today is time for some "mummy" treats!!!  Hannah and I had so much fun making these cute silly mummys!  They were very naughty during their photo shoot!!  They had buttons everywhere!  ...Not to mention getting trapped in a spider web.... We had a dickens of a time getting the spiders out of their wrap! 
So meet the "MUMMYS"!  Aren't they a stitch! 

Of course our party would not be complete with out some sweet "TREATS"!!!!  So I have 2 delicious, quick & easy recipes to make for our party! 
The first one is "Batty" Dip! 
You will need: 2 cans Mexicorn (drained) * 1 can diced chilies * 1 can diced jalapenos * Tops of 3 green onions, sliced * 8 oz bag Shredded Mexican Blend cheese * 1 cup sour cream * 1 cup mayo * Tortilla chips for serving!  Mix all ingredients together and let sit for several hours in the fridge before serving!  *** Don't forget to add the cheese like I did!!!! LOL!  I will add it tomorrow for sure!  It was darn tasty without it, I may add!!!  So it's a pretty versatile recipe!  The flavor enhances the longer it sits in the fridge!  Enjoy!
Next up is one of our FAV cookies!  These couldn't be any easier to make! All you need are 3 ingredients!  Peanut butter, crackers & chocolate bark.  First, spread PB on one cracker and top with another cracker!  Next, melt your chocolate, dip the cracker/PB combo in it; then remove from chocolate and place on waxed paper to cool.  At this point you can get creative with your cookies and bring out the sprinkles!  This is a great cookie to make with the kiddos!  Trust me... you will not be able to eat just one!!!!  Enjoy!
As I "WRAP" up our DAY {2} of the online Halloween Party... I will be having a give away!  Please leave a comment below on the blog for a chance to win 1 of these patterns!!! Isn't it cute!  It is from our Basin Banner collection... It is October!!!  Good luck!  I will meet you back here again tomorrow for more Halloween FUN!
Oh, before I go... Just a friendly reminder from our MUMMYS... Please don't forget to cast your {6} votes on the MSL American Made contest!  Like below!

October 10, 2015

Halloween Party is HERE!!!!!! FREE Pattern

Happy Halloween Everyone!
Welcome to my party!  Please make sure you grab your "ghoulfriends" and join us for {7} days of Halloween FUN!  Each day will be filled with various spook-tac-u-lar TREATS from recipes, projects to click and print and SEW much more!  Each day there will also be a SPECIAL on our website!  I have been having a ball getting this ready.... so let's get the party started!

If you know me,  you know my FAVORITE Holiday is Halloween!  Ever since I can remember my mom and I would decorate the doors and windows with Halloween cut outs, make popcorn balls and ponder for days what my costume should be!  {I will tell you more about that later...}  I will tell you that on more then one occasion, as I got older, I went as a bum!  I did it simply because I loved wearing my Great Grandpa Oscar's striped overhauls!  They were the "real" deal!!! 
Every Halloween I got the opportunity to help my Great Grandmother Lily bake sugar cookies with colored sugar and then help her package her little paper bag of treats for the "trick or treaters"!  We usually put as many pieces of candy in the bags that we could fit in it.  After we were finished, we always put them in a cake pan so they wouldn't fall over!  Such fun we had!  I will never forget how much joy my grandma had on Halloween waiting {with anticipation & excitement} to seeing all the "trick or treaters" come to her door! 
Those, my friend, are the simply joys in life!
When witches go riding in big orange trucks,
and black cats & spiders are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
’tis near Halloween!
Speaking of "TREATS"... I have some sweet woolen candy corn bowl fillers for you to make!  And how cute are they in my little Basin Farm Truck!  I love it!

Please don't forget to cast your "magical" VOTE for Buttermilk Basin as we are in the final {9} days of the Martha Stewart Living AMERICAN MADE Contest!  Don't forget to tell your "ghoulfriends" to VOTE too!  It is greatly appreciated!  Note: You must be logged in to vote!  You can vote 6 times in a row each day!  Be sure to notice your votes saying 5 votes left, 4 votes... this shows that your votes are being counted!

As I wrap up Day {1} of my Halloween I have to share a couple more things with you!  First I am absolutely loving my view outside my big window!  Seeing the leaves changing daily is stunning.... And before I go... I also have a VERY EXCITING "Treat" for your on the website!!!
Merrie Halloween Pattern
Regular price $28
$19.95 today ONLY...until the clock strikes MIDNIGHT!
Sorry...Offer Expired
Head on over to the website for that
See you tomorrow!!!!  Stacy

October 9, 2015

Free pattern! Halloween party! Pattern giveaway!

Wow!  Time is flying!!!  It's almost mid October which means HALLOWEEN is just around the corner... so I better start giving out "treats!"  This week's winners over on our FP will have the choice of picking 3 patterns {up to $9}!  How awesome is that!

Since I'm sure you all could use a break from my posts {only 10 days left of the voting madness!!!} I'll keep this one short!

This week we have been doing the usual, but also have had Becky in the shop working her making things flow/organization magic!  She's huge into that!  She's doing an amazing job!  Well, that was until she told me I have to purge & get rid of some stuff!  Lol!  How does a girl like me get rid of all my "good stuff"???  Cross your fingers that she takes it easy on me and nothing of great importance magically disappears!!!!  You know... Like, say, 50 pairs of vintage scissors that are not useful or that I haven't used in 2 years!!!!  😂 oh geez.... I'm scared for next week!!!!

Ok- Voting!!! You gals are making a statement and continue to go above and beyond!  I'm honored to have over 40,000 votes!  YOU continue to vote day after day & have been such an important factor in this journey!  I gotta admit... WE CAN WIN this!  Could you imagine the give away celebration we would have then!!!  Wowza!  Bring out the party hats & piñatas!!!!!  Only 10 days left!!!!!!!  Let's do this!!!
October 10th my online Halloween party starts!  It's just a Buttermilk Basin HALLOWEEN Party created just for you!  So Keep Calm & Get Your SPOOK on!!!!!!!  I'll be putting it on my blog and here... so keep an eye out for it on Saturday!  Make sure your friend gets in on the "treats" too!
I'm also reposting the "FREE" Halloween quilt pattern that we designed & put on the website for you under our Humble Beginnings fabric!  Be sure to click and print your pattern off!  It's a quickie & will look spooky cute on your table!
I'll wrap it up!  Please head over to the FB and leave a comment for a chance to win your "CHOiCE" of 3 patterns!  I'm really looking forward to hearing what's new on your end since I've been chatting too much lately!!!!  And oh... Pics are always fun!  Love you guys! XO

October 7, 2015

Inspiring "WORD" Wednesday! 12 days left to VOTE!

Happy "WORD" Wednesday!  Vincent van Gogh was the boldest and most innovative painter of the 19th-century.   His work was stunning, as was his heart...  On September 18, 1888 he expressed this quote in a letter of gratitude towards his brother.  This quote has been around for over 127 years... Let's continuing being artistic & loving people!  

Also, we are down to 12 days to vote for my little company in the Martha Stewart American Made Contest!  I hope you can continue voting and sharing the info with others to help gain more votes!  I'd LOVE to meet Martha!!!!!  Here is the link...  Enjoy your day!  


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