Let's get these giveaways rockin over on the FB page! Up for grabs tonight are 2 NEW Australian Virgin Wool Floss packs from Valdani. They're new, colorfast & are perfect for wool appliqué! Then I also picked up a bundle of hand dyed wool! The colors are muted and yummy!
Today was DAY 1 of market! All I can say is I am having a blast! Today I had the opportunity to meet so many AMAZING BB fans, supporters, voters {and no, I didn't win! But, I'm already a winner in life...so it's all good! And having you gals in my life is the icing on the cake!!! And no!!! I have no desire to run for anything!! Lol! They were teasing me today!!!} & some of my FAV shop owners! {This show is new to me, so I'm meeting many new gals!!}. I can't believe so many people read my blog and enjoy my work! I'm humbled! Wow! We laughed, shared stories & had discussions about who's my biggest stalker! Lol! Seriously! I love you gals!!!!
Today I also got out a bit and had more fun meeting more cool vendors, & visiting {and buying antique quilt tops} with the antique quilt dealers here. I typically never have time to look at them, much less shop! But since fall market is slower in general... I enjoyed myself so much today! Of course, (I'm Chatty Cathy here!) so I kept taking a couple steps and running into friends & my awesome shop owners! Here's the shout out to Merry's Stitchin (like I promised!)! She has a fantastic primitive shop in Iowa! Her daughter is next to her and she is the one behind the Quilting Possibilities patterns that you see everywhere!!! I also met the gals behind the Row By Row & license makers for all those fantastic shop hops you all go to! It's so cool to see all the shops signing up and getting their goods on order! They {as well as myself} have some new & fun concepts in the works! I'm not sure if I can mention anything?!?! but it involves wool!!! I'll leave it at that!!! I'm also giving a shout out to Pieceful Gatherings quilt shop! They are another great shop out of Illinois! We're trying to set something up where I come out there and teach! So keep an eye out for that in the future!!!
Kelly's also doing great at her first market! It's been quite an experience! She had a blast at Sample Spree, is in "eye candy overload" & loving all the flash flood warnings we're in down here! We just got one that goes until 1:00 now!
Please leave a comment over in our FB page for a chance to win 1 of these items! I'm turning in for the night- but before I do... Check out some more pics I shared of the "Mystery" BOM's & of the friendship gathering where they made those cute mummies on the FB page too! Did I mention how much I love my job and YOU all???? 😃😃😃😃. I'll post more tomorrow!