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October 15, 2015

FOX 9 Morning BUZZ! Mystery BOM, Block 10 & A Giveaway!

Happy Halloween! 
Today is DAY {6} of our online Halloween Party!  I am thrilled to be sharing my {love} for this delightful season with each of you!  I can't believe how many of you have been following along!  The more the merrier!!! 
Before I begin to share today's special edition of our "MYSTERY" BOM, Block 10 during our party... I have to say I am on "pins & needles" waiting to watch the FOX 9 news in the morning {just a few hours away!}...  My company will be featured on the Morning Buzz Segment!  I am being featured as a MN Martha Stewart Living, American Made finalist!  My neighbor Sally and I drove down to the TV station and dropped off a few of my designs!  It was pretty cool!  It was fun to get a glimpse of the station!!  So if you are local... be sure to tune in at 9.  It will be featured on air at 9:15~!  Soooo right after would be a fantastic opportunity to cast your votes!  We only have 5 DAYS to rise to the top!!!!! PLEASE help spread the word and encourage your friends and family to jump in on the final days of this journey with us!  Every vote matters!!!!  WE CAN DO THIS!  {Thanks a bunch for all the support!  I really am blessed beyond measure!!!} 
Here is the link!
{WE ARE CLOSE TO 65,000 VOTES!!!!!!!  WOW!!!!!  75,000 HERE WE COME!!!}

Today I also have a "FRIGHTFULLY" SPOOOOKY TREAT for you!!!! 
In the spirit of Halloween and giving...
I will be having a giveaway for these gorgeous wool bundles today! 
They are so cute, I can hardly part with some!!!  I have them sitting in an old dough bowl at the studio!  So before you leave... be sure to comment on the blog post {below} for a chance to win one of these candy corn bundles!!!!  Good LUCK!
And now.... the special "Halloween" edition of our "MYSTERY" BOM, Block 10!  I couldn't resist doing a jack-o-lantern!  It is just perfect for this crisp fall month of October!  Enjoy!  KITS are available, as always, for all blocks on our website at www.buttermilkbasin.com

PS* Don't forget to share your work to our Buttermilk Basin FB Page or on Instagram!  And...be sure to pass this along to your friends too!  Better yet, hold a stitching night with your "ghoulfriends" and watch the MAGIC happen!

Please go to www.buttermilkbasin.com to purchase your pattern/kit.   
HAVE A MARVELOUS DAY!!!  See you tomorrow!!! Stacy


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Joan and Kevin said...

Love it! Thanks!

Wendy said...

Thanks for the chance at a giveaway; great idea for a "Halloween party".

Leona said...

Stacy, you are the girl! You out do yourself and we love it!

Paula said...

I just LOVE Mystery Block 10!! How adorable!! The bundles look wonderful!! Already votted this morning. Good Luck Stacy!!

dawn said...

you are the best, I am voting everyday.

Jacqueline Morris said...

I am one of your silent voters... Love love love your designs they are just all so cute. I wish I had the skills to make them look awesome, still learning :)
Wanted to pop in and so GO YOU! I hope you win.... I vote and will keep voting to hope you will!
Thank you for all you do :)
Smiles :)

Mary Ann said...

Love the pattern, perfect for the season. I made the apple crisp recipe yesterday. We have one very old apple tree and this is the first year it produced eatable fruit. We got exactly 6 apples so I had to try the recipe. It was delicious, best crisp recipe I have tried. We keep voting daily, hope you win. Thank you for the chance to win, I think wool is now my favorite to work with.

Unknown said...

Great giveaway!

susan said...

Congratulations, being a finalist alone is a huge accomplishment. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway too. You can do it! Good Luck.

1yayadiva said...

Awesome giveaway, Thanks Stacy!

1yayadiva said...

Awesome giveaway, Thanks Stacy!

Irma Vergara Sefers said...

You are bewitching us! Thanks for your generosity! Irma Sefers

Betsy said...

I'm excited for you. I will keep checking Facebook to see what you post since I will not be able to see the show

anita said...

Lovely wools! Thanks!

Irma Vergara Sefers said...

You are bewitching us! Thanks for your generosity! Irma Sefers

Unknown said...

Love the block,,,, good luck. Cherry Jones

Susan said...

Your wool bundles are crazy cute! I have a three-d pattern of a pumpkin that would look awesome. What a great give away. Best wishes to you on your fox 9 airing. You've got my vote.

Dee said...

Love you "stuff"(designs etc), Stacy. You rock!

Melanie said...

Having a great time with all the Mystery Blocks, Thank you! Love the wool and the chance to win it.

Paula DiMattei said...

How exciting!!! A sewlebrity in our midst.

Unknown said...

I voted again this morning. Love the wool - it would be great to win! Thanks!

BarbaraH. said...

Voting completed for today! I love your designs and thank you for a chance to win such beautiful wool!

Unknown said...

Voted again today! I love your designs! The wool is gorgeous...would love to win it!

Anonymous said...

So much excitement this morning! Enjoy your tv time and thanks for #10 bom!

Kathleen said...

What a great give away ! I am new to working with wool and I think I am getting addicted! I have to tell you that BB has helped my desire to do this with all the BOM's, kits and help I get from you. The web site and blog are the best I have ever been on.

Unknown said...

I'm not local so I can't catch you on the news, but it is still exciting to hear!

Leratdesfils said...

Joli block ! Merciiiiii :-)
J'ai voté ! Le matin c'est plus accessible que le soir. Trop de monde sur le site le soir je pense.

susan said...

Love the pumpkin! Good luck hope my votes helped!! When do you find out the results?

Unknown said...

So happy for you. Thanks for all you do from the heart. Have a blessed day.

Anonymous said...

Stacy --love the new block--so cute !! I'd love to win some of your beautiful wool too! I already voted this AM....how exciting about your news feature this morning!!!!

Patti said...

Casting my votes daily :) Please post a link to the news story - I would love to see! Please enter me for your gorgeous wool! Blessings, Patti

Teresa Marie said...

Love, love, love the Pumpkin block, & I voted!!!

Unknown said...

I wish you all the best in the competition - you are already a winner!

Peggy Erickson said...

I swear I can never thank you enough for being such a creative spirit! What an amazing and generous woolly friend you are. My Halloween is 100 times better this year because of you and I plan on making some of these goodies as gifts! Good luck and I'll keep on voting!

Brenda said...

Thanks Stacy. Good luck and I'll keep on voting. I am loving the hop and the BOM.

Ginny said...

I wake up and vote immediately! I appreciate the reminders, cause I have to get up at 430am! Thanks for the chance to win some cute prizes and good luck!! You definitely deserve to win!

Egluegirl said...

Voting everyday.

Sometimes after the news has aired you can find clips of what they aired on their website so let us know if we can find the piece about Buttermilk Basin on there? Exciting!

Unknown said...

I love everything you all do. Good luck and I know in our hearts you are already a winner.

susan hemann said...

very sweet giveaway! also darling pumpkin!

Linda Hannemann said...

Always enjoy your blog hops and lovely designs. Good luck with the contest!!

Cfrosty said...

Love the wools and your blog! I just put out my Halloween pillows I stitched years ago from your patterns!

Liz F said...

Great giveaway to start a wool stash.

Rita said...

Great giveaway.

Lois said...

Love your wool "candy corn"! I am a novelty in that I do not like (to eat) candy corn....but I sure love the colors :) Good luck on the contest!

Jan said...

What a cute pumpkin and great giveaway! This has been a fun party!! Thanks for all your hard work in bringing us such fun!!!

debra said...

I am not a blogger but I love to read all of the gals(like yourself and others) who put all that out there for us who have the thirst for knowledge and just plain enjoyment I admire each and every one of you. Thanks for the great giveaway I LOVE WOOL !!!

yvonne craig said...

Congratulation on being a finalist on Martha Stewart!!! You are one creative women. Keep it coming!

Michelle C said...

Fantastic Giveaway :) Good luck with the Martha Stewart Comp. I have been voting everyday for you! Love your patterns!!

Mountain Home Quilts said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway and for the fantastic fun I've had on your blog the past few days! I've already used the pattern from yesterday to make a super cute little pillow (i'll share pics on IG later today), I made your apple crisp last night for dessert (which everyone in the family loved), I have it on my plan to make those yummy chocolate covered Ritz goodness treats, and now I'm off to print out month 10 of the BOM! Thank you, Stacy!!!! :) :)

CantstopQuilting said...

The new block is really cute! The wool is beautiful! Good Luck and I hope you win!

daisydilly (vicki) said...

Thank you for BOM #10. Very cute Hope the news clip was grand

quiltedv said...

Thanks for the pattern. Wish I had time to make them all :)

JMinKS said...

Love the October pattern! I'm just getting started on wool applique and can't wait to do this sweet BOM! And oh my...the giveaway is AMAZING!! The wools are soooo pretty! Would be a great addition to my teeny tiny wool stash! Thanks for a chance to win! Here I go, more votes to place!! 😄

Saundra said...

Quite generous of you to give your designs away to on-line blogger friends. Nice wool pieces, some of those I've never seen before and would be great in my stash to use for a Halloween project. Thanks for the chance to win. Good luck.

diane s said...

Wowzer-great wool bundles for Halloween. Thoroughly enjoyed every day of your great Halloween Blog Party! Thanks for all of your hard work!!! It's been FUN!

Rosy Ribbon said...

Thanks for the Pumpkin pattern, and would love to win the wool bundle to stitch up your designs.

QuiltersCat said...

I just love your patterns. I have been voting every day and hope you in !! Thank you for being so generous

The Attic said...

The wools are yummy. Thanks for the giveaway and the patterns. Good luck!

Kathleen said...

Bundle with exquisite colors - love! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Kristi said...

I love all of your patterns, I am enjoying wool applique, this is my first experience with it and I am having alot of fun with the blocks of the month! Keep up the great work!

Barbara in TN said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win those gorgeous wools! Good luck in the MS contest - have been voting religiously every day in hopes that you win!!! Love your patterns and all you do for us all out here!
Thanks again -
Barbara in TN

KimF said...

The wools are wonderful. I love your fall designs. Hope you win Martha Stewart contest. You would be an excellent rep for us.

Unknown said...

thank you for so generously sharing your talents! Hope to see you a winner with Martha!

SueJean said...

That is so awesome that you will be on Fox 9 news. I hope everyone that sees it votes and shoots you to the top. Thank-you for the new block. I love it and can't wait to see all the blocks together.

Susie H said...

Your jack-o-lantern is ADORABLE!!!!!!Thank you for your time, your creativity, and all your shared inspiration!

Quilted Rainbow said...

Thank you for the chance to win the wool bundle. Good luck with the contest, hoping you will win.

basketnut said...

WOW...how exciting for you being on the news! Love your designs, I am in need of a birthday gift for a girlfriend, loving your pumpkins, so I think they will make a cute gift too.

Momma B said...

MUST HAVE THAT WOOL! Love that monly block as well! But the best news of all is that you will FINALLY get some televised assistance with AMerican Made!🎉❗️❤️

Liz said...

Hey girl.....you rock! I have been following your blog for a few years and you have serious talent!
Congrats on the fox news piece and good luck in the Martha contest!!

Grandma Judy said...

So excited for you, voted and love, love, love your wool giveaway...

Teri said...

Thank you for these free patterns. I love to do handwork. Good Luck! Hope to see you win.

MissM said...

Wow, candy corn brings back so many childhood memories! Love those little wool bundles.

Unknown said...

I voted and love all your patterns and love the wool bundles

Loretta said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for Buttermilk Basin to exceed 75,000 and to win. Made in America and women in business is so important to us. Thank you for the patterns this week, an extra treat!

sunporchquilts said...

You are trending now! 65K passed, here comes 75K! Good luck! I love that kind of tweedy orange black and white wool on top of the bundle - where can I find some of it?

Yuskew said...

Great block....really like it. Wonderful give away....thanks Stacey.

Unknown said...

Good morning Miss Stacy, it's getting down to the wire, good luck to you with the contest. Your pumpkin is great thank you for your creativity and generosity. Also thank you for the chance to win some of that wonderful wool. P

Brenda T said...

Thanks for the chance to win the wool. Good luck on winning the contest. My fingers are crossed for you.

Thanks again,

Unknown said...

Oh, I forgot to say I have my TV tuned to Fox. Hope I get to see you. I am in Ohio so here's hoping. Good luck

Teena said...

I'm so addicted to wool

Unknown said...

Thanks for this opportunity. I am fairly new to working with wool, but love the effect.

SBDavis603 said...

I sure would love a candy corn wool pack of fabrics! All the better to whip up my favorite Buttermilk Basin patterns!

terrossi said...

I love the new block. My family really liked the dip recipe and I'm making the cake today. Thanks so much for the fun things your doing. Terry

Cindy421 said...

Congrats Stacy, I love the block this month. He's so cute. The wool looks yummy. Will you have some on your site to sell too? Thanks for the chance to win. My dad is back in the hospital again. So keeping my hands busy calms my brain a little. Will continue voting good luck.

Cindy421 said...

Congrats Stacy, I love the block this month. He's so cute. The wool looks yummy. Will you have some on your site to sell too? Thanks for the chance to win. My dad is back in the hospital again. So keeping my hands busy calms my brain a little. Will continue voting good luck.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the block of the month! I love how these turn out, and I can't wait to see what we do with each block!

Unknown said...

I'm not local, so I can't watch! Love your designs and I love wool!

pudgypooh said...

Love the Jack-O-Latern pattern! Thanks for the giveaway and good luck with Martha! Now off to vote...

T said...

Love your designs and best of luck as a MS finalist!!

Teri said...

What a fun blog. Lots of excitement going on. Love the jack-o-lantern and candy corn made of wool will be good to do for more Halloween decorations. Going to vote now. Hugs.

Denise :) said...

Aaaaah!!! I love this month's BOM!! Great job -- again! :)

Victoria M. said...
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Victoria M. said...

Thanks for your giveaway of the beautiful wool bundle, and congratulations on your news feature. Wow, how great!!

Cindy S. said...

Got my voting done for today! The candy corn bundle would be fun to use for the pumpkin block! Thank you for the giveaway.

Wendy Hembree said...

Could use candy corn wools to do your Halloween patterns!

Robinleigh said...

I just voted, ordered the October block which I love. I just discovered you a couple of weeks ago and am a big fan. I received my BOM Jan - September and will get caught up this weekend.

JanC said...

Love block #10. I'll be tuning in at 9:15 to see you on FOX 9. The candy corn wool would be fun to use on your patterns. Thanks for the chance to win!

Julie S said...

Every morning when I sit down for breakfast, I pick up my tablet and vote for YOU! I won't know what to do with myself once this contest is over. Oh yeah, catch up on my BOM! Love the Jack 'o lantern! Thanks for the opportunity to win some of your yummy colored wools!

Lana said...

Love your blog and the MBOM!!! Your designs are awesome. Voting voting voting...,, have a great day.

Mama Jean said...

You have so much going on. What fun. Would love to win your wool bundles.

krislovesfabric said...

Another great mystery BOM design, thank you...that wool giveaway looks beautiful.

bethq said...

Will be watching!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad to be home and looking at your blog.Been leaving early branding and working cattle, and no internet time. Would love to win the wool bundles, and pretty sure I will be making the pumpkin cake. Have a good day

Unknown said...

I'm glad that I found your blog and site. I have been addicted to all of your designs and the new pumpkin truck is adorable. I am voting daily for you. I want you to win!! Also I would love those Halloween woolens.

Kathy J said...

I adore your Halloween patterns. So cute!

Kathy J said...

I adore your Halloween patterns. So cute!

Candee said...

My votes are in again today! I'm excited for you! Love this month's block. Thank you.

Rina Mason said...

Wow! Congratulations on being featured on the local station. I hope they let all their viewers know to go vote. Love the fabric and know whoever wins it will create something wonderful. Thanks for the cute pumpkin pattern. Off to vote now.

B J Chaplin said...

I would rather have your candy corn bundles than real candy for Halloween. bjchaplin@willcountyhealth.org

Stella L. Doyon said...

Congratulation on being featured on tv.

Terri said...

Ohhh how cuuuute is this! And the wools....love them!! Thank you!! Voting for the day is in. Hope you win!

HoosierMama said...

Thanks for making this holiday sew special!
Hoping your kindness and talents are rewarded by winning the contest!
Thanks again! Blessings to you and yours!

Unknown said...

Love the wools! Thanks for the chance to win. Got my 6 votes in for today! Good luck to you ... I hope you win.

Norma Soulet (AZArtist) said...

Thank you for all the great recipes and ideas for Halloween. :)
I love that bundle of fabrics and that cute pattern.
Hope I am lucky!


Quilt n Queen said...

Congratulation on the Fox News buzz! Love the jack-o-lantern BOM pattern...another awesome block!! Thanks for the chance to win a spooktacular candy corn wool bundle!! My votes are cast...wishing you a ton of new voters from the Fox News audience!!! Have a spooktacular day!!!

Lenore said...

Watching everyday, love this Halloween Party!

Mary said...

Congratulations on the TV spot - so exciting! Love the new block, as usual!

Lori said...

YAY--keeping my fingers crossed for you! Love the candy corn bowl fillers--they are definately on my to do list!

Claire said...

Wow how exciting to get on the news to showcase all of your beautiful work! Here's hoping that your spot on the show gets you all of the votes in Minnesota! If they give you a link to the news clip please be sure to share it so that all of us out west can watch it, too. Congratulations, Stacy, and thanks for the new pattern.

Kathy said...

Love Candy Corn, Love Wool, Love Halloween, Love your enthusiasm, Love your patterns, Love your generosity, Love your talent, Love voting everyday...good luck!

Barb Walsh said...

Love the block. It's so cute. How does it feel to be a TV star?

Janet O. said...

Congrats on the TV feature!
Gorgeous little wool bundles! What a fun giveaway. : )
Ready to create block #10, in the spirit of the season!

Quiltingmama said...

Congratulations on the Fox tv news. Thanks for the wool giveaway, those are yummy bundles! Super cute jack o lantern block this month!!

Unknown said...

I'll be watching tomorrow. How exciting!!! Best of luck to you. You deserve it!!! Love wool!!!

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I just caught the ch.9 news--congrats!! I love the pickup truck penny mat--so cute!

YankeeQuilter said...

Cute Jack o Lantern...reminded all by stitching friends yesterday to vote! Keeping my fingers crossed for your!

Tammy in Ontario, Canada said...

Congratulations, how exciting to be featured on the news! I have been voting, good luck on winning. Love your blog and shop. Please include me in your draw for those wonderful wool pieces.

Justine Arrasate Lloyd said...

Congratulations!!!! LOVE your designs and would dearly LOVE to win this fabulous little bundle of wool!!!! HUGS!

Marian said...

Wow! In the lead. You've got my vote, every day, every vote! Either way, you're a true winner. Thank you for all you do and share! Love the Mystery Jack!

WoolenSails said...

I looked on the station but nothing up yet, hope they put it online too.
This month is sure flying by, didn't realize it was BOM time, will be fun putting them all together in a quilt.
As always, have my votes in.


Unknown said...

I am enjoying your blog posts--gotta love fall! Thank you for sharing your gifted self!

Debbi said...

Thanks for all you do for us! I'm voting for you every day and I wish I could watch your segment on the news but I'm in NJ. So unless someone could post it to youtube.....

Sharon Pack said...

Hi Stacy...wool sure does look wonderful...😀 I've recently won one of your fabulous patterns...so hopefully someone who hasn't won before can win the wool...can't wait to get the pattern...sure am enjoying the Halloween party..gonna start posting what I am working on soon...headed over to vote!!

Veronica said...

I have always loved the look of wool but am a little afraid to try it. Great pattern looks like an easy place to start.

~*~Leanne~*~ said...

Congratulations on you news story, Stacy! You'll be able to add TV personality to your list of many talents. I've been voting daily and keeping my fingers crossed.

Thanks for the treats :-)


Eileen said...

Hi Stacy - I really enjoy your blog site. It gives me inspiration and I love wool projects. They are so much fun.

Marsha Jean said...

WOW! A TV star, too! So many blessings and you're such a sweet lady to share with us, too. Beautiful wool...just in case I don't win it, where can I purchase some?

Patty said...
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Patty said...

Love the wools Stacy! Voted again this morning from the west coast ~ you're almost there girl!! Thanks for the darling BOM also - I am caught up and ready for this next one. So darn cute :) Hugs and here's crossing fingers that you WIN!

Leann said...

Hey what a great day for you!! I'm just sorry I saw this too late to watch it😕 thanks for another great design. I have several friends that are also doing your BOM and we just count down the days till the new pattern!!!! Thanks for your constant generosity! I'm off now to vote again!!!!

Heather said...

Oh wow! Those wool bundles are so cute!!! Good luck on tv!!!!

chickencindy said...

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Love your BOM.

Stephanie said...

Brought my BOMs on vacation to North Carolina to visit My daughter. She loves to stitch as much as I do. When I left home I had them all ready to stitch and we have enjoyed the time spent visiting and stitching together. Memories being made!

Jacqueline said...

Have found the earlier in the day I vote the easier it is to get thru. I vote every day..
thanks for a chance at the beautiful wool.

Unknown said...

Such pretty wools! Would love to have them!!! Thanks, Stacy, for all you do!

Anonymous said...

Wish I lived closer so I could have seen your store featured on the news this morning. Hmmmmm....maybe it's on the internet?? :-) I'll be looking. And, thank you SOOOOOO much for all the fun blocks. What a special treat for all of us! Already excited for November. Good luck w/Martha Stewart! First learned about it from an email I rec'd from your special friend Lisa Bongean's blog. Vote, vote, vote for this wonderful lady everyone!

Julee said...

Love wool and enjoy reading your blogs....

Diane E W said...

Love Halloween and Fall. This bundle of wool would be a real Treat to win, no tricks though. Love your work.

Unknown said...

Thank you Block 10 is so cute!!! Wishing you #1 spot in the contest!!

Marlene said...

Good luck. I hope you win!

Donna Keating said...

This wool bundle should come to live at my house. Love Block 10. Thanks for all you do.

Julie said...

Thank you Stacy for this month's BOM! It is a real "treat" to receive these blocks! Love the beautiful wool and thanks for the giveaway! So exciting that the local news featured you! Hope to be able to find the video online!

isa13 said...

Love your blog and your patterns for Gall and halloween. Thanks for the chance to win.

Vicki Treadway said...

It is such a beautiful fall day here in PA! The wool bundles are wonderful. I'd put one to good use in a new fall project.

Suzi said...

Love your work, you are amazing! Thank you!!

Unknown said...

I just love all of your creations!

Nancy said...

Love the new mystery block. I off to order it now. Thanks.

Karleen said...

Enjoy your designs, keep up the good work. Thanks for a chance to win wool packets.

sandy from BC said...

Coffee, voting and reading your blog. That's how my morning starts. Thanks for all your generosity.

Happy Valley Primitives said...

Love the BOM for October! Thank you!

JMaggio said...

I love the pumpkin..I think I might add a bat in mine.
I voted!

Unknown said...

I don't know if this posted or not but I love the BOM and the colors of the wool bundles!!

Unknown said...
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Karen in Colorado said...

Stacy, what a star you are! Congrats on your morning television debut. Awesome way to spread the word about your business and talent. Love the new BOM; what a great way to get in the fall/halloween mood! You have been so generous with us, it's time we "treat" you and vote, vote, vote!!!

Dianna said...

I anxiously wait every month for the free BOM. Now I am following your Halloween Party. Thanks for the treats!!

Admin said...

Beautiful Wool. Your online Halloween Party has been fun to follow along! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Candy corn is one of my favorite fall treats! At least your wool version doesn't have any calories. Love the new pumpkin pattern! Might just have to get to work on it this afternoon.

Brenda Allen said...

Such a pretty bundle! I may not win but I hope you do...now to vote!

marie said...

The wool is perfect for a fall/Halloween mat. Thanks for all the great patterns.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

I would love to make some candy corn with those great wools! Love the mystery block too! Thanks for the fun!

Jennifer said...

Love your patterns. Thank you!!!

Unknown said...

What a great wool selection. I am new to all this so it would be so great to win. And I just love your patterns. So cute and fresh.

Elaine said...

your patterns are so cute!!!

Quiltsmiles said...

Candy Corn is wonderful this time of year. How special having the wool edition to share, thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Love your creativity and then you share with all of us!!! What a gal!!!

Jill said...

Lovely wool colors! Thank you for the chance to win, and best wishes for the contest!!

Unknown said...

I love candy corn ( either the traditional candy or the lovely wool.....) thank you for all you do and it was wonderful meeting you at the retreat.

Unknown said...

Those wools look yummy! I'll keep voting!

Glenda said...

Love those wool bundles!

Gloria said...

I don't like the candy corn candy but I sure like the colors. Going over to vote right now!!

SuzannaBanana said...

Keep up the great work!!! This is so much fun!!!

CJ said...

Oh my, you are so good to all of us followers !! LOVE THE WOOL !! I will keep voting ! Sure hope we are both winners ! THANKS

ikceb said...

Love your designs!

Jo said...

Love it, thanks for the chance.

Marilyn said...

Oh, the wool looks yummy!
please enter my name.

MoeWest said...

Those wool bundles look so pretty! I love fall colours.

Jody Rigle said...

Love the colors of your wool bundle!! I am not a big fan of candy corn but I love fall and all the beautiful colors that come with it. Please enter me in your contest. thank you

Unknown said...

The wool bundle is so cute. Would love to have it.

Charlotte said...

The wool colors look perfect for some Fall/Halloween stitching. Love the block of the month.


Glynis said...

I can always use some gorgeous wool on the Mystery BOM. I'm keeping up with you and will start on the Halloween one soon. Thanks for everything and I'm still casting my six votes for you everyday. Fingers crossed!!!

Anonymous said...

Morning Stacey,

Thank you for your hard work on putting the Halloween online party together. I always feel good reading your blog, your enthusiasm for life comes through your writing is infectious, especially when I need a little 'pick-me-up'.

Marian xo

Anonymous said...

HI,neat little bundles! Thanks for sharing!

QuiltLady said...

Love the wool and your website and blog. Thanks for the giveaway!! Hope I win.

Smeek said...

Good Luck! I hope you win and I would love to win the cute wool.
Thank you!

Jessica said...

Still voting for you!!! Congrats on all this recognition whether you win or not! I hope business is going good! (Yes I want a chance at the wool too!)

kathiquilts said...

What a party you are giving -- and we are getting sooo many treats! So lovely of you to make the holiday so special for us!

Suzanne said...

So excited for you!
Such an inspiration to us all!
You are beautiful inside and out!
And, this Halloween party is F

Linda said...

Oooo, what lovely wool. It would look wonderful in any of your fall designs. You are so generous with your products and designs. Thank you. Good luck with the last few days of Martha's contest.

mckinney37397 said...

The new design is awesome. Love the wool- please enter me for a chance to win.

Unknown said...

Beautiful wooly colors!

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