November 23, 2017
November 17, 2017
Blog Giveaway, NEW Hexi Patterns & Kits and more!
Hey!!! Happy "LUCKY" Friday! Can't believe it is Friday again! WHOOP WHOOP! Today I have some AWESOME goods to share with you! First off, we have our weekly giveaway design/kits for our "Chalk It Up" Series, November! I am going to try to do a giveaway here too! I wanted to make sure we released this before Thanksgiving! It reminds us to gather together and give thanks, which I know many of you will be doing next week! The wool & fabrics are gorgeous, as always! So be sure to leave a comment below for a chance to win a pattern/kit!!!
Next, we have the last block in our Sweet Olde Summertime BOM ready to ship! It is a cute one, I must say... especially for all you dog & vintage truck lovers! It is the perfect block to wrap up our set of 7 blocks! Next month we will have the finishing kit available! I am not sure when that will be released, as I am expecting my NEW Spirit of America fabric collection to come in and plan to use that right out of the gate for this BOM!~ It will be perfect!!! I can't wait!
If you are a fan of our Hexi "WORD" Door Greeters and Hexi Mats, you will LOVE these releases! They are SOOO PRETTY & festive for Christmas! They feature vintage bulbs, bells, candy canes & of course, Christmas trees! We have patterns & kits available for both hexi designs!!! If you order now, you can easily have it done for the Holidays!
Next week we will be putting a BUNCH of WOOL on our website! I had no clue our website was out of wool and Lord knows, we HAVE TONS OF WOOL! This week the gals have been busy kitting and next week they will get the wool bundles ready! We might even put some larger, single pieces on there too! I will either post them on Wed or Friday! So keep an eye out for them!!!!
Next Saturday {Nov 25th} we ARE OPEN for Small Business Saturday! So if you are in the area or traveling through... we have some GREAT deals waiting for you! We are also starting to get ready for our Christmas open House, which starts on Nov 30th! Did you also catch that we are having an "Ugly Sweater" Contest/Party? We LOVE having FUN here with our customers at the shop! We can't wait!
Now... for all you out of towners & online shoppers... We have an upcoming event, "12 Days of Christmas", coming up just for YOU! So no need to worry, we have lots of great deals, new designs and such that we are working on just for you! We appreciate YOU just as much and will do our best to make those 12 days just as fun!!! The 12 Days of Christmas starts December 1st and goes through the 12th! Can't wait for the festivities to begin!
On the home front... Last night we had supper with Hannah & her boyfriend's family! That was a fun time!!! Tonight we are heading down South of the cities to meet up with some family members for supper!! Tomorrow we will be off to watch Grace dance in her first comp! So excited to see her dance again! She modeled her dance outfit for us and it is soooo pretty this year!!! Then we will wrap up the weekend with a Timberwolves game!!! Should be a great weekend!
With that being said, I hope you all have a great weekend! The weather is getting chilly... might have to make some homemade soup this weekend? Do you have any good recipes to share with me!!!?? I know you do!!! Don't forget to leave a comment or show me a pic of your FAV pet for a chance to win a kit/pattern!!!! I love hearing from you all! Happy Stitching!

November 9, 2017
Trim the Tree Online Event, NEW "Mystery" Block Released & NEW Hexi Designs!

Happy "LUCKY" Friday!!!! I'm BACK! Whoop whoop!!! I have SEW much to share with you! Before I begin... you know what today is??? It's the release {and GIVEAWAY TIME} of the sweetest & cutest block in our Live Each Season "Mystery" Block of the Month! Whether or not you're doing this with us... you should go to our website & print off block 11! Plus, it's FREE!!! If you prefer kits, we have them ready to go too for you!! Don't forget to leave a comment below for a chance to WIN a kit of this Holiday block!!!

We have a BIG surprise for you!!! Since we've been so busy... we wanted to surprise you with another fantastic & spontaneous online event! Head over to our website & enjoy our "Trim the Tree" Online Event! I've been designing & the gals have been kitting up a BUNCH of NEW ornaments & a few NEW smaller Holiday projects just for you! You can buy 1 kit or a dozen! They also make great gifts for all your Stitching pals! They are all soooo cute!!!!

If that's not enough... we also have the November Hexi Door Greeter and Hexi Mat Patterns & kits available on our website now too! We LOVE how these turned out! We have the kits made & ready to ship! The wool is so warm & gorgeous in these kits! We are also working on the December models... so we plan to bring those to you sooner than later, so you can get them stitched up before Christmas!!

Where have I been?!? Well... working, hosting Santa's Workshop, pulling all nighters {which aren't as easy as they used to be!!} & exhibiting in Houston! We have also been working on a few "secret" projects! We also had Carole, the Quilt Mania/Simply Vintage editor fly in from France for a photo shoot for a book they are publishing for me! I promise... I'm not "slacking"!!! Lol! I also designed a super cute project for my friend Anna, to teach at Sisters, Oregon, during the quilt show! So be sure to watch for that coming out and sign up for her class! The project is themed around that event! I've also been working on 2 more fabric lines! It's nothing but exciting here for us at the Basin! We can't wait to share more with you when we can!!!!
Before I forget, I'd like to say "welcome" to all our new followers & "thank you" to our faithful supporters! You gals are just the best! Thanks for the emails, likes & for sharing your work with us!!! We love our BB community!!!

Our retail shop is getting busier & busier! Today we even had 2 gals stop in to shop when we weren't open! So... we are thinking about being open more & starting up the clubs we've always dreamt of in the new year! IF this is something you would like to see happen... please let us know! It could be hard to juggle- but we sure could give it a whirl!!!!
On the home front... Grace & Hannah are doing great!!! Grace has a timer set on her phone that is counting down the days until she gets her license! Lol! It's not until Feb!!! She's busy dancing, meeting up with friends at Caribou & recently got the cutest hair cut/color! Han is enjoying college! She's spoiled with us being so close! {But- I wouldn't have it any other way!}. She enjoyed her first deer hunting experience with her boyfriend & his family last weekend! {No, she'd never shoot a deer!}. She's going out again with them this weekend! Can't believe she's doing it!!! Lol! On a sad note... we had to put down one of Grace's guinea pigs, Pia. Poor little girl got so sick. We are hoping her other guinea pig, Oreo, doesn't get lonely!!!
Time to wrap this up! I'll be back in action posting & sharing again on a regular basis! I'm super excited!!!! Hope you head over to the website and check out the NEW goods!!!! Don't forget to comment over on our FB Page for a chance to win!!!!! Have a great weekend!!!!
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