I think its time for our first giveaway! All you need to do is drop me a comment or let me know what you are up to this weekend. (or what you would like to be doing...I would like be at the Roseau County Fair, watching the Demo Derby & enjoying an Uff-da Taco!!!) I am sooo excited to hear from you all!!!
The winner from the drawing will receive $50.00 in free patterns of their choice next week from the Basin. And yes... this includes our new line of Halloween patterns! What more could you ask for!
You and your friends are able to comment anytime up until Sunday evening 11 PM. If you post about our giveaway or link us to your blog (don't forget to let us know you did) you will receive and additional entry!
Have Fun & Good Luck! Start thinking about your free patterns!!!!

Wohoo!! How very generous, please count me in Stacy-you know how much I love your stuff (Sharon from Ireland???)
What are we doing? well today is the first hot day we have had in a long time, so I am taking my 3yr old to dig in the sand-makes for a pleasant change from wearing her wellies and raincoat and jumping the puddles:))
Ok, fingers and toes crossed for me-against my will, I am now gona link this on my blog-anything for another entry:)
Blessings, Shazy x
Me again-posted and linked your giveaway Stacy,
BTW, I am and have been a faithful follower of your blog:)
Have a great day, Shazy x
Thanks to Shazy's link I'm now a follower! It's wonderful to find your blog tho I've ordered patterns and wool from your online store!
I'll post a link on my blog too!
This is such an amazing and generous giveaway!
This weekend I'm taking my 3 kiddos to a nature reserve for a walk on the wild side just for the fun of it and then we'll have a bbq!
Thanks again! I'm sooo excited!
Wow, hi nice of you. I would love to win, you have the nicest patterns.
Hello there I have come over from Shazy's blog (Country Prims). I am not sure what I am doing yet this weekend as it depends on what the weather decides to do! I would love to be entered into your giveaway. I live in the U.K.
Hi Stacy
Just found you and I am now following please enter me in this fab giveaway a dream for any crafter and I will post it on my sidebar too..
Not up to much this weekend really it is the start of my kids summer break so taking a deep breath and looking forward to the next 6 wks..also will be drawing the winner for my birthday giveaway on sunday.. pop on over and take a peek..http://www.drakestoneprimitivescounrtycabin.blogspot.com..:0)
Please enter me in your awesome giveaway. I will be going with my husband to D.C. he has to take a class. What I really would like to do is to go to Lancaster, Pa. to do some prim shopping. Hugs,
Wow, how generous of you and I would love to be entered. Hopefully this am I'll be going to a really great garage sale (at least the paper is making it sound great), then coming home to do some sewing and stitching. The weekend, not sure what's in store, we do better if we don't make plans. May make a run up north to the cabin. Thanks for your generosity & hope your weekend is grand.
Well Today I am not going outside!!! 100 Degrees with heat index @ 110?!?
Rest of the weekend supposed to be super hot too so I am thinking going to the pool, Our local pool is indoors and has a kiddie splash park too!
Also thinking of having a bbq with our best friends/neighbors, always a good time, and finishing it off with a backyard fire and smores (but maybe too hot for that)
Hope your weekend is great (and cooler!)
Thanks for the opportunity to win, love your patterns,
I have posted on my blog, now I have my fingers crossed!
Wow, what a wonderful giveaway! Shazy sent me over and now I am off to post your giveaway on my blog! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and are able to make it to the fair. We will be going to a pig roast on Sat. with our homeschool group.
I will be at work this week end but my job is such that I can spend most of my time stitching so that is fun for me. Love all your patterns! I purchased a number of your patterns at the St. Cloud Show and have already completed 3 of the projects! They are so pretty and I look forward to new patterns coming out.
Good Morning, Stacy,
When you said an 'Uff da Taco', I just knew you had to be from the Roseau that I am familiar with in Minnesota...am I Right?! I grew up in ND, went to NDSU, and now teach in SD...Anyway, very nice to meet you.
My weekend plans? Cleaning house...going to a Cook Out at friends, and looking forward to a visit from a foreign exchange student that I got to know 20 years ago. She is visiting from Norway.
Thank you for entering my name into your generous give-away.
Have a fabulous Friday. ~Natalie
p.s. Kim sent me.
hey Stacy,i jjust found u from shazys blog now im a follower as well.great giveaway i would luv to be entered.only patterns i own r the freebies from patternmart lol so i sure could use some cute ones.i will post on my sidebar as well.this weekend my middle daughter is coaching cheercamp and the hubbys got a golf outin so i think im gonna hide out in the bedroom all day and watch movies.kids also have a b-day party for a friend sat. that i will stick around for and help out.hope u have a great weekend and so glad to have found your blog.blessings michelle
What a fabulous giveaway!!! Thank you! Well, if we aren't rained out - we will be having fun at the "Little Log House" event down here in southeastern Minnesota this weekend. Plan to visit several antique places, too!
Have a great weekend!
Hi Stacy, I'd like us to have some sunshine (so it feels like summer) and get to do some sewing!
Hi Stacy...just found your blog and became a follower! Love your stuff! Please enter me in your giveaway. We have been so busy every weekend for the past month so this weekend it's just gonna be a relaxing one with nothing planned at all!! I love those times!
Wow, I just found you, please
sign me up for your generous
give away! I would love to get
the hutch painted.
Bear Hugs~Karen
I am going to be sewing! My husband and a friend are out of town fishing and I am loving the fact that I can sit and sew all day long.
I LOVE you patterns and I am linking you to my blog.
Hi Stacy,
I would love to be entered in your very generous give~away!
I used to sell your patterns in my shop several yrs. ago and have made many of them for shop models, which now decorate my home.
We just got back from a camping trip and I'm still trying to catch up on all the laundry! so that's what I'll be working on, and also finishing up a few stitched items.
Thanks again!
Shoot! I forgot to mention I posted about your give~away on my blog.
Hi Stacy. I love your patterns...I have several and would love to have more. What a terrific giveaway! I am going to stay inside most of the weekend where it is cool and alternate between punchneedle and sorting through magazines and filing clippings that have been building up.
What a lovely blog and generous giveaway. This weekend is going to be "clean the creative space" or else! LOL! I've been pretty much been putting this off for a long time, but it's getting so bad down there, that I just have to get it done. Besides it's suppose to be blazing hot outside this weekend, so only go out to give the plants and grass a soaking and then staying inside where it's cool.
I'll be sure to post a link to your blog on my blog and a post about your giveaway. Please enter me in your giveaway.
Hi Stacy, I just found your blog and have become a follower. I have lots of your stitcheries and would LOVE to win your giveaway!! I will post you in my blog. Thanks so much!!
Blessings, Rene
Hi stacy... I just found your Blog. I am a follower... And I will post your awesome Giveaway over on the sidebar of my Blog.Please enter me in .Thanks much!!And have a great day!! ...Donna
I'm sewing and bookkeeping this weekend. Okay lets be honest I won't do much bookkeeping cause I have a quilt I just dearly want to baste and quilt.
Shazy sent me and she said that I was'nt to bother to tell you.
Actually she didn't. she said go over and visit. :-)
So here I am.
What a beautiful give a way.
Have fun and good luck to everyone.
I'll post it on the side bar of Soggibottom for you. Good luck.
x x x
Hey Gals! I am overwhelmed with all your posts! I had a long post wrote from my Iphone but see it did not make it on here. I will rewrite it later -
Right now I am out the door to take the girls to the Mall of America! We are meeting my husband there. He is flying back from CA. I promise I will be in touch once I get to the hotel (also hitting the waterpark with the girls!!)
I am soooo excited to hear from you all!!!!! Chat soon!
Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful giveaway. I'm getting caught up on chores this weekend because I'm leaving for Primitives on the Midwest at Quilters Station in Missouri next week. I'm so excited to be taking classes with Lisa Bonegan of Primitive Gatherings. It's going to be so much fun. I just love your new halloween line and all your christmas patterns. Thank you for the chance to win. Karen M
Hey Stacy!!!
I am going to the Arts in the Park in Alexandria, and hopefully spending some time in the boat.
I have several of your patterns but would very easily spend another 50...what a great give away
OMG!!! You will never believe whatI was doing today and will be doing the rest of the weekend...I was at the Long Beach Quilt Show buying your patterns at the Primitive Gatherings booth. Yes, I was visiting with the one and only Lisa Bongean and buying some of your adorable patterns. Next year you will have to come to the show so I can visit with you. By the way, I love your blog! You crack me up! Are you sure we arn't related? LOL!!! Keep up the good work!
Hey! Whew! The girls had a blast at the MOA! I now have my husband back in MN! So all is well!
Ok -
Country Prims- I love puddle jumping! But a sunny day is even better! And thanks so much for supporting my creativity! I love what I do and sharing it with each of you!
Christine- That sounds like fun! I love a good BBQ!
Joan & Kevin - Thanks for stopping by & the nice comment!
Simone - Love the cat pic - I have 3!!! Winsten, Wilma & Bella (we took her in!)
Angi - Glad you found me! I hope to do more giveaways... I love my customers! I have two girls 11 & 8 so I know what you mean about summer break!!! Good luck! I plan on checking out all the blogs listed including yours! (Maybe I could win something!!!)
Farmhouse Prims - I so would love to go to Lancaster with you girl! I LOVE shopping!
basketnprims - Let me know about the garage sale - I hate when you go with high expectations and it ends up being a bust! Sometimes it is just for the hunt anyway!!!
Calico Rabbit- WAY TOO HOT for me... MN girl ya know then!!!! Where are you from? I am hoping not CA as I want to move there one day! You have some fun plans! Anything that ends in smores is bound to be good time!!!
Valley Primitives - That Shazy is AWESOME! How sweet of her! (I appreciate it!) I did not make it to the fair as I have to go up there next week (6.5 hours away) However - I did call the winner of the Demo Derby so that was cool! The pig roast sounds delish!!!! I am amazed you homeschool. You are gifted!
the woolen cellar - I like that - a job where you can stitch at the same time!!! I can't believe you have 3 done already! You have accomplished way more than I have! That show was a blast -I can't wait for WI next!
Tins and Treasures - You know it girl! I love being from Roseau! I was great growing up there! I spent many weekends in ND! A lot of my friends went to college there! I can't believe you are getting to the exchange student! Treasure those moments!!!
Michelle - How cool would it be to actually sit in the bedroom, not be disturbed... and watch a movie in peace and quiet! That sounds wonderful! ....I will bring the chocolate and popcorn!!!! :-)
It is starting to storm so I am posting this much and will finish in another post...!!!!
Here we go again!!!!
Pam - My friend wants to go to the Little Log House - If I recall, isn't it only open at certain times? I think we both drove by it one time... Can I come antiquing?????
Jeanette - I am sending sunshine your way girl!!! Good light makes stitching mush easier!!!!
Brenda - Glad to hear you enjoy my work! I, too, love down time... I am looking forward to getting caught up and relaxing myself... This house cleaning is for the birds... I need a maid!
Karen - Got ya signed up! Good luck with that hutch. When I had to mom's next week, my brother & I are going to build some display pieces. Wish me luck!
Sylvia - Your pic just makes me smile! I am soo jealous! I would love a day to myself to sew!!! If you were close.... I would swing on over to sew with you!!!
Tanya - Shops are a TON of work - I have a hard time keeping it all together! AND then there is the laundry... I LOVE it when the girls try on 50 outfits a day and then toss them on the floor and I have to re-wash clean clothes!!!! AWE!!!!
Linda - One can never have toooo many patterns! You are a girl after my own heart - I love a gal who organizes... I cut out clippings all the time and NEVER get them filed. Does putting them in piles count as filing???
dee begg - I am STILL working on cleaning my darn creative space. The hard part is that it starts at the studio... sits by the door.... sneaks on my counter and ends up on my dining room table! HELP!!!
Sew Many Raggedies - Thanks! I am so thankful you have purchased patterns from me! Thanks also for posting!
Donna - Thanks a bunch for finding me! I am just getting the hang of this blogging... (I know, better late than never!!!) Now if my new graphics would get finished it would be swell!!!!
Victoria -Did you say bookkeeping? I just hired one because I am simply NO good at it. I can't be both a bookkeeper and an artist can I???? :-)
soggibottom - I so need to check out your blog just because of the name! I am kind of excited to see what it all about!!! (Shazy is on top of it!!)
ON the home stretch for the evening!!! (And you all didn't think I read what you write, right?!!!) I DO!!!
Karen - Seriously - You are going to have sooo much fun! I love hanging out with Lisa! I miss that I am not out in CA with them. We usually are booth buddies...
Cindi P - Arts in the Park is here in Shoreview by me too this weekend! I am wondering if the weather will hold up. I heard a lot of artists lost all there wares last weekend in Maple Grove with the storm... Hope you have a nice day!
Bridgidk - OMG - I can't believe you were there buying my patterns! That is sooo funny! I did get a text from them today... I heard it is crazy! I KNOW Lisa is cool - but I am waaayyyy more fun!!! Ha Ha Ha!!! (Just wait till she sees this!!!) She's my bud and she takes good care of me! I know, I do need to do more shows... I am trying girl! Lisa has me doing more shows than I want! I just want to design! And - I am a little crazy! But life is short and I am getting older so I don't have time to waste anymore!!!
Good night Everyone and THANKS for the comments! I LOVE hearing from each and every one of you!
Hi Stacy,
What a wonderful giveaway!
What am I doing....absolutely nothing...lol! Hubby and the children are aaaallllll out today at a Church Sports day!! So I have the house to myself, so I'm eating chocolate & crisps!!! ( I only have a couple of hours to eat my secret stash...hehehe!) I am planning on doing a little bit of sewing too...but I have to finish the chocolate first...lol!!!
Hope you have a fun weekend.
Love Wendy X x
What a generous giveaway. Good luck to all!
Thanks again, Sandra
I am from Washington state , but traveling with a 5th wheel....we are now in YOUR state, in Two Harbors Mn, very beautiful area!!!Looking forward to going to Leech Lake this week to meet up with family!
Please enter me in your giveaway! I love your designs so much!
This weekend I am taking my oldest son to the airport to go on a mission trip with our church youth to Guatemala. I'll be spending the whole weekend worrying - it's what I do best! Then I'll stitch to try and keep my mind off of things.
Blessings, Patti
Well, today I'm going to do housework. Oh what fun!
Love Love your patterns. Please enter me in your giveaway.
Please include me in your drawing for the patterns. I love your work and have done quite a few of your patterns. Now..what I would like to do is go to Amana, Ia. and spend the day looking through the shops. What I'm really doing is ironing and housecleaning. How much more boring can you get? ;(
I recently became a follower of your blog. My boss broght back some of your patterns from market and has since ordered more. (I work in a small quilt shop). That I how I found your website and blog.
I have to work tomorrow but today I am working on finishing one of your new halloween patterns, it will be a shop sample.
Hi, Just found your link on Prim and Rustic message board. Soooo glad to find you, have always been a fan of your designs. I love all things fall and Halloween.
This weekend(today) I've been thinking about what kind of project I want to start on next. Plus, yesterday (23rd) was my birthday and winning some great patterns would be awesome!!!!
Have a great weekend!
What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to be entered.
What am I doing? Well, I just looked at the temps here in NJ and it's 97! As much as I NEED to go out, I'm going to wait till the sun goes down. For now I'm assembling a quilt top and looking at your patterns!
Woo Hoo, I entered to win and posted about it on my blog!
Peggy in NJ
Please count me in! I have to get my sewing room organized this weekend but was just taking a break searching the internet for some new Halloween stitchery patterns and came across this giveaway. What fun I would have if I won!
OK, back to cleaning up - it's going to be hard with my fingers crossed :-)
Wow!! What an awesome give away! This weekend I hope to get some cross stitch done.
Thank you!
Thanks for a chance to win some goodies! I'll be trying to finish up a class sample and then Sunday I hope to get to the Quilt Odyssey in Hershey, PA (hope the chocolate hasn't melted in this heatwave we're having!). Again, thank you!
What an awesome give away! I was thinking of starting my Halloween projects very soon! :-) This weekend I'm meeting my nephew's new Golden Retriever puppy! Sigh! Can't wait to see her! Thanks again!
Thanks for the great giveaway!! I am staying inside sewing all weekend because it is way too hot and humid to venture outside.
If it were NEXT weekend, I would (hopefully it arrives) be working on my Winsten and Jack kit!!
I recently found Buttermilk Basin via a blog comment from Primitive Gatherings website. I absolutely LOVE the vintage Halloween patterns as does my 5yr old.
Thanks, Stacy!! How about teaching at the Primitives of the Midwest next year?! I live in MA but I am seriously considering a trip out there and would love to meet you in person!
What a great giveaway :) It is hot and muggy here in Michigan-I would love to swimming right now-having my meals catered ;)
Great giveaway ! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I hope to go to Wisconsin soon maybe I can take a class from you and meet you. That would be a BLAST!!!! Your right, life is to short, everyone should enjoy it. I've had cancer twice and don't intend on going anywhere right now. I have waaayyyy to many things to do. Being crazy is the best way to keep your sanity.
Yes, the Long Beach show was crazy, but waaayyyy fun. Primitive Gatherings booth was non stop busy.
I'm sure you both did well. Have a GREAT weekend!!!!!!
well we had pioneer days today..and we had a great time...too..I love your patterns..so please enter me in this giveaway..i will also post it on my blog..better late then never I suppose..;) have a great weekend.:)
Wow! Incredible giveaway, you are so generous! I have been working on a table runner with funky log cabin blocks (it is a retirement gift for a former boss). Thanks for the chance!
I love your site. A giveaway of patterns what a great idea. I can't wait to pick mine out lol....Just wishful thinking. This weekend I flew home to be here for my oldest daughters bridal shower. My mom and I made the cake and decorated it. It turned out great. I also made prim. signs for gifts for the games. I did a gameboard (It turned out beautiful)for the door prize. Today I am working on my daughters necklace for her wedding and the necklaces for the bridesmaids. So I have been very busy. My daughter gets married Aug. 14th. I can't wait but must still find a dress...
Take care and have a great weekend, whats left of it. Debbie Smile it never hurts...lol
How very gracious of you! I LOVE your patterns! I'm looking for new things to make for our daughters craft shop here in Ohio! This would be wonderful to win!!! I will post this on the shops blog! seasonsoftheheart2ndgeneration.com/blog
Thanks for entering me!
Many blessings~Judy
I've loved your patterns for years and have several on display but always have room for more! Hope to go blueberry picking in the sunshine this afternoon!
cooking, cleaning and laundry are losing to the call from my sewing room!! There are loads of started projects and even more wanting to be started! And it is lots more fun in there that the laundry room!!
YA! Count me in please!!!
This weekend I am helping out at BS with my church and my 5 kids. Can't wait ;)
I just LOVE your patterns! I have a few of my own blog posts showing off some stuff I made from your patterns, as a matter of fact :) AND I've posted a link to your giveaway on your blog!
Hi Stacy! What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to be included. I've been following Buttermilk Basin for years and just realized that you had a blog. Will be following you from now on!
Your new fall/halloween designs are to die for!
I'm sitting here in Ohio enjoying our first "cool" day in a very long time! I've got the windows wide open and I'm working on a sampler! It just doesn't get any better than this!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Lee at Falling Star Primitives
Wow! Just found you through Robin. Thanks for putting my name in your giveaway, I'd love to win some of your wonderful patterns. I'm off to have a good look around.
It is hot this weekend, so I am working in the garden then cooling off in my basement craft room. This morning I needed a birthday card but couldn't be bothered to go buy one. I made one from a colored file folder and some fabric with iron-on adhesive. I even put some iron-on adhesive on a piece of my balloon wrapping paper and cut out a few balloons. Looked great!
Your patterns are truly beautiful! I don't know if I can participate, being from Canada, but I'm giving it a try! :-)
Hi! Thanks for doing this giveaway. Could you please enter me to win the patterns? Thanks!
Hi again. I have posted a blog entry to your giveaway, so could you please enter me again? Thanks (again!).
omgosh..so generous Stacy!!! im off to shop..hope im the lucky one! THANK YOU again..love your blog..everyday follower ;)
Just began to follow you how did I miss this blog. I have several of your patterns I have collected over the years. Would love to be entered in the giveaway! thx
Great giveaway! I'm in.
*crosses fingers for good luck*
Hey - How fun is this? Here we go again!!!
Wendy - Do you have any treats left in your stash? I'll help you finish up the chocolate! :-)
walnuthollow - Good luck girl! I have work ahead of me to get the drawing ready!!!
Christine - I can't believe you are in Two Harbors - Gorgeous area! I am surprised it is this hot here today! Hope you are in the shade!!!
Patti - I am with you - I would be excited and nervous at the same time! I am a worryier and wish sometimes, I wasn't!!!! Hope he has a great trip! What a memory that will be!
Robin - I am doing nothing today - All week I was organizing and cleaning.... I hated every minute of it!!!
wisteriagirl - Darling pic!!!! I would like to to there shopping with you too! I have heard good things about there! Still cleaning??
Beth - Cool! What is the shop? Halloween is my fav Holiday. I loved designing the new patterns!
Paula - Cool - I always forget to post of there! Happy belated birthday!!! Hope you enjoyed the day!!!
Peggy - It feels like it is that HOT here today! Yuck! That is way too hot!!! I thought I better water my flowers - I know I am suppose to wait till later but - just too hot! THANKS for posting!
MamanBagel - You are in chickie! We have fun Halloween patterns! Keep them fingers crossed!
JulieF1962 - I would love to cross stitch. Back when I was younger I dabbled in it. It is quite popular these days!
This weekend I'm doing my best to stay out of the heat, 100+ temps here and very humid. So it's much more pleasant to be inside going through old quilting magazines :)
Alice I. - OMG - My daughter has her room in candy - She is dying to go to Hershey, PA! She will be sooo jealous when I tell her. If you post pics - let me know and I will show her!!
Valerie - How fun! My neighbor just got a second puppy too! They are so cute when they are little!!!
Gretchen - LOVE the kitty pic! I hope you sewing is going well! I would love to be doing that!
olivemoose - You are so funny! I better make SURE I get them out to you on Monday! I would love to teach out at Primitives. I just started my teaching again since I had the girls.... I should check in to it! I, too, would love to hang with you!
Julie - You know - I just did that Let's Dish... I was sick of figuring out what to cook! Now I need to make those meals!!!!
Debra - I am having a blast with the give away!! Thanks for stopping by!
Bridgidk - I do know I will be teaching in WI - We have plans (and ideas) in the works but things aren't quite finalized.... Awe -Lisa just called me - that was crazy!!! I asked her if her ears were burning!!! She also told me earlier that she sold out of ALL the kits of my designs! WOW! That show sounds so cool!
Mimi - The table runner sounds cool! I love log cabin type blocks!!!
Debbie - I like that! A girl who knows she is going to win!!!! :-) Seriously - I am a wedding freak! I can't believe you and your mom made the cake & decorated it? What kind is it? You have been way busy getting things ready for her! Get your dress girl!!!
Judy- How adorable is your pic? I love old photos! Thanks for sharing the link! I will check out her blog!!
Cheryl - Glad to hear you enjoy the designs! I have not been blueberry picking in years. Up North in Roseau, we used head up to MN hill and pick them by the ice cream pails full. Now I go to the farmer's market!!! (Boring!)
Cathie - I know exactly what you are talking about!!! It never ends!!!
GapGirl - Bible School is awesome! You are sooo amazing - 5 kiddos! I have two and they are very good girls but know I was not cut out for more! You ROCK!
Robin - Thanks much! I will check out your blog this week when I am up North... It will be fun to see!!
Lee Morrison - Ok - I honestly have not done a good job with the blog until just recently so you have not missed out on anything! The time is finally right to get doing it - better late then never I guess!! Thanks for your support over the years!
Diane H - Thanks for stopping! Hope you found some patterns you like!!!
MoeWest - Way cool! I love a girl who can pull things together with what they have on hand! I need to do that more often! Stay cool!
Rouky - Thank you SO much! I grew up 10 miles from the Candadian border - Of course you can join in! I remember playing basketball against the girls from Sprague!
Kim Jamieson-Hirst - Love the pic!!! And YES! I have you down twice!!!
Kathy - LOL - that is what I am afraid of!!! JK! I never want to bore you guys - so I don't dare post daily! I appreciate you following me very much though!!!! :-)
Hunkidori - Like I mentioned a couple gals back - I just started the whole blog thing. I am a hands on girl so this computer stuff is tricky for me. I see other people's blog and have no clue how they get the stuff they get on them!!! I need a blogging teacher!!!!
Thanks EVERYONE! Hope you are all having a great day! Just a few more hours!!!
I am hanging out with my granddaughter this weekend! How fun is that! Your patterns are sweet. Thanks for your generosity in the giveaway.
Thanks, Stacy! I just realized that I didn't tell you what I am up to this week-end. Working on new pattern designs (www.chatterboxquilts.com), cleaning up the house for dinner company (yesterday) and supervising the hubby and kids staining the deck today! (Don't need to enter me again.) BTW love all your designs!
I pieced on ufo's all weekend. I finished to the flimsy stage - and Atkinson Design, Daisy Chain on Saturday and today I am working on a Halloween wonky log cabin quilt. I am at the border stage on the log cabin and I hope to finish attaching those pesky borders tonight before I have to go back to work tomorrow.
I just became a follower this evening, I visited your website and love all of your patterns. How lucky could I be to win!!! I'm posting your giveaway on my blog as well.
Wow Stacy!!! What a very generous Giveaway!! I own several of your wonderful patterns and love your work!! I'm enjoying a lovely day in the Pacific Northwest and sewing! It doesn't get any better...except if I had an extra large Hershey Bar with Almonds!!!
I would be willing to share it with you too!!
Chocolate Blessings~
Thanks for the comments! The winners are posted!
Have loved your patterns for years. This weekend I will be stashed away in my sewing room with machine and netflix watching House of Cards season 3. Yahoo.
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