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June 11, 2013

Club Cancelled...Cancer Sucks!

Hello… Just dropping a quick note here for those of you who are in the club both online and in the studio.… Karen and I have decided it is best to cancel the club for this month.  She went ahead and posted it earlier on her blog last week- but I am concerned that not everyone reads her blog so I thought I would also post on my blog.  Two factors were at-large when we decided to cancel the club for this month.  First of all, Karen is knee-deep in her addition above her garage for her "dream nest" with many plans in the works!  The 2nd one, being the most significant one is simply that my mother has cancer and is in the fight of her life.  She has been down here in one of the best facilities for the past 6/7 weeks.  Because she has so many chronic health issues like her lungs functioning at 17%,  congestive heart failure, COPD etc... they have not even got to the cancer at this point - and since her body is so weak...they may not be able to either. :(.   Since I am her only daughter and have  no real family to help her during this difficult time I made a choice to basically drop everything and be at her side during this difficult journey.  I have always been a firm believer that my family comes first.... And that you can't get these moments back!  Okay - before I get teary-eyed… I also want to let you know that I have 60 some new patterns available that just have not made their way onto the website and that there are many things in the works!  Trust me, I have worked my tail off around being at the hospital with her and made it to exhibit at Quilt Market in Portland....I really hope and pray that you will continue to support me during this difficult time while I struggle to find balance and wrap my head around tough days/decisions that lie ahead... Words cannot describe how very difficult this journey is....  I hope you are all doing well and cherishing those precious moments with your loved ones!  I do hope things settle in a bit and I can share more and stitch again!  Miss you all!  Xoxo


Country Prims said...

Take your time, we will be here. Family times are the most important and you are sure needed right now. Remembering you and your mum at this difficult time. Hugs your way x

Anonymous said...

Prayers for your Mom and you. Of course we will still be here! Take care xo

Rouge Cerise said...

No doubts for me to stay your fan : I'm really in love with all your designs. Take all the time you need, take care of you and your Mom, it's the most important thing to do actually ;)

Kelli said...

You have chosen the best path!! Spend time with your Mom and know that your "fans" will always be here!

Sue said...

Yes, Cancer sucks. Take care of yourself & your Mum. No regrets. This will all still be here.

LauraP said...

I am so sorry Stacy. I am praying for you.

Me and My Stitches said...

Cancer really sucks. Hugs and prayers to you.

WoolenSails said...

I am glad that you can spend the time with your mom, and family is more important. My prayers for your mom and you, just remember to take care of yourself and take some me time every day.


JulieF1962 said...

I lost both my mom and my oldest sister to cancer in the last four years. You do what you need to do, and we will still be here. Family is most important! Best wishes to you!

Glenda said...

I am praying for strength for you and your mom and for healing for her.

kristie said...

You are right in that family comes first. People will still love your work. Take care of yourself too.

Jacqueline said...

Prayers and well wishes for both you and your Mom. I hope you get some quality time with her during all of this.

Kathy B. said...

You will never, never regret the time you are taking to spend with your mom. Wishing both you and your mom the best through this difficult time. Take care.

Carrie ~ Cricketwood Prims said...

I completely agree, Family always first! I'm sorry your mother is so sick, I will keep you in my prayers. Your mother is special and you are a blessing to each other I,m sure. Take care, we all have lots of quilting projects to keep us busy.

Hugs, Carrie

Robin said...

So sorry that your mother is so ill :( and you are so right that cancer sucks! Stay strong and I'll keep you and your family in my prayers!

Karen said...

I will keep you in my thought and prayers. We will be hear when you return. Family is first.
Best wishes,
Karen M

Huckleberry Patches said...

Stacey, love and prayers for you- you won't regret the time you set aside. It's probably the only thing you can control right now... So be at peace, everything happens in its own time. Xoxo, Lisa

Beth said...

Prayers for you and your Mom as you travel this most difficult path. You made the right decision.

Teri said...

You're doing the right thing by being there for your mom.God bless you in this difficult journey.

Danice G said...

Oh Stacy, so sorry for your family. We will all be praying for you all. yes, family really is the most important. As other people said, we will still be here for you through everything. Blessings ♥

marly said...

I know how difficult this is and you will never regret this decision. I'm hoping your Mom wins this battle, and I'm sure having you there is a great comfort to her.

Carole said...

Hey Stacy! (((Hugs)))

The Wooden Acorn said...

Dear Stacy,

Even though you are the only daughter, you certainly have support from your blogger friends. Stacy, I've been through cancer with my family, and yes, you are on a tough road, BUT with prayers, you will find your way through ... for yourself and for your mom. Hang in there dear!


Ann said...

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. In time, you will look back and know in your heart you have done the best for your mom. She will have you by her side. Hang in there!

sue said...

You are doing what is most important being with your mom. Take time my prayers are with you and your mom.

CJ said...

Health and Family always come first. Please take care of your health during this difficult time. Eat right and get enough sleep. You are needed.

I have been in your shoes helping my mother, through her final battle. Then, two years ago I got breast cancer. One day you will look back with no regrets for the decisions you are currently making. Enjoy the moments together.

renee said...

I am very sorry to hear this, but I am glad that you are choosing to stand with your mom! Family is more important. Bless you all and take care of yourselves!
God bless.

picketsews said...

If God brings you to it, he will get you thru it. He is smiling down on you because love is what he wants us to be about and your decision is based on your love and caring for your mom. I will pray for you and your mom.

kelley said...

Hugs and prayers...I've got my life on hold now caring for two elderly parents..being there for your Mom is the best decision...do remember to take care of yourself...something that's hard to do...

Anonymous said...

Oh Stacy... my the angles wrap their arms around your entire family. Keep strong... God will take care of all of you.. sometimes not like we want him to... but he DOES KNOW best. Hugs to you my sweet friend.

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

Thinking of you and your mum. Sending a hug for you both. What is amazing is so many of us have walked in your shoes and in your mum's. Take the time you need - family comes first. You are in my prayers.

Lara said...

Thinking of you and your family. We all agree family should always come first. :)
Lara Hart

Dawn Heese said...

Don't forget to take care of yourself too. Prayers for you and your family.

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