Tonight we enjoyed our Witches Nite Out at the shop! What a hoot it was! I'll be writing more about it later... but instead of posting a recipe for you, I wanted to show you what my friend Shelly made for the party! These ideas where found on Pinterest! Everyone RAVED about how cute & yummy they were! These cookies & treats were so cute, you didn't even want to eat them!!!! {Bit we did! Lol}
The first row of cookies were peanut butter cookies with spiders made out of candy on top, the next row featured witch brooms, and the bottom row featured dipped pretzel spooky mummies & ghosts! How cute are these cookies!!! Sometimes simple, no bake recipes can be the best!!!
Speaking of sweets! I found it fascinating that Halloween isn't the highest selling Holiday in candy sales! Can you believe that? Easter is! It brings in around 2.4 billion in sales, while Halloween brings in around 2.1! Wow! 
That also means that each American spends around $47 in candy for Halloween! I wonder how much we spend on candy... I'm betting it is more!!!
Back to the hop!!! Today features Kathy, from the Cottsge at Cardiff Farms! She's another wool I'm
expecting something fun from her! Before you go, be sure to stop back tomorrow as I send you all off on your brooms to the next spook-tac-u-lar designer for another great complimentary project!!! And don't forget to check out our Halloween BASIN Bash online!!!
Let's head over to Kathy's blog for more fun!!!
Looks like you witchy women had a lot of fun last night and I love your little row of Halloween campers. So cute! Kathy's project is another treat. Thanks so much.
Such fun looking treats--and I LOVE easy!!
Another great project! Thanks!!
Thank you, Stacy, for the wonderful blog hop. I look forward to ALL of your blog hops--so many great ideas, patterns, and great stories! It always feels like I am getting together with old friends!! So much fun!!! I am sure it is a ton of work, but I so appreciate it!!! You are amazing!!!
Thanks for your wonderful work and inspiration, love it ALL. Amazing how Halloween isn't the biggest candy time of the year. I love Easter as well!
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