This past weekend, my husband and I enjoyed two gorgeous days outside doing yard work. Most of the time I am in such a rush to pull the weeds, dig the hole and plant the flowers... This year... I approached it differently. I really used this time to appreciate the process. It really turned into a great family weekend of laughter, (as my oldest daughter hates worms/bugs) getting dirty, Arne Palmer's and getting sprayed with water (accidentally, of course!!!). Plus all the neighbors were out! We have two neighbors who have daughters graduating so you can imagine the chaos in our neighborhood! I have to say, our block is looking pretty spiffy right about now!!!
Here are a few pics of my gardening so far! I still have my flower gardens in the back to get cleaned up and planted. But I have to say.. the front and sides are looking good!!! I hope to get out there again this weekend but I have a designer event at Millie P's on Saturday (starting to feel like this is spring has been all work and no play!!!!)
Back to gardening... Do you notice my Lily of the Valley flowers? I swear they budded and bloomed just for me, as I gardened those two days!!! Great Grandma Lily must have been smiling down on me as I was working my magic in my flower beds!! Those flowers are from her where I grew up. Very near and dear to my heart! I am sure many of you can relate and have flowers from a special member of your family!! If you get a chance go to my facebook page- Buttermilk Basin and post pics of your "special" flowers!
I would love to hear about their story!
I will leave you with this lovely little quote as we head into another weekend of more gardening... Enjoy..
The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness. ~Dalai Lama