Happy Hump Day!
Today is Wednesday and I will tell you a little bit about my day! I am doing it because I get so many of you gals who think I get to sit and design all day long! {Now that would be living the dream!} So here is a day in the life of a pattern designer who gets to do it all whether she likes it or not! :)

Today is Wednesday and I will tell you a little bit about my day! I am doing it because I get so many of you gals who think I get to sit and design all day long! {Now that would be living the dream!} So here is a day in the life of a pattern designer who gets to do it all whether she likes it or not! :)
- Get kiddos off to school/snuggle with 4 kitties (at different times).
- Respond to emails - make a list in my head of what needs to be done! (Oh, I know - you list makers are cringing! LOL!) I don't do lists - but I SHOULD! :)
- Should have been to the shop by 10... but instead I hit a vintage sale (and scored some vintage pumpkins, ANOTHER jar with an oil pouring thing (a must for my M&M's at my shop!- can never have too many!) some old burlap -feedsacks with awesome graphics (but all they had!) an old tin mold, a fricken awesome orange vintage screen door and oh- an old vintage/tin washtub with a top cover on it! Ok - I guess the day started out fabulous! LOL!
- Morning drive thru Diet Coke on Ice! (Bummed the large soda is no more $1)
- Then... We fold wool/price wool - decide if I realllly want to part with some of this fabulous hand dyed wool I got in for the open house! (Yes, I did put some aside! LOL!)
- Take orders, fill orders... It seems no matter how many thousands of patterns I have in stock, someone orders an old one I am out of! (Run to the printer - See my gal Lisa! Who ROCKS! Chat with the other workers...
- More filling orders...Responding to emails and answering phones (Thankful- but this means sitting one the computer doing invoices etc..)
- Get border... So I order a bunch more candles, potpourri, and more patterns for the open house... An yes - you have to order 36 of this one candle just for an opening order - not to mention the other crap I think you all need to go with "that candle" because I LOVE me some yummy fall scented goods!
- Call Kathy with an idea for her to do for the shop and see if I can pick up a shelf that I bought a longggg time ago that I need for all this wool madness going on here!!!
- Call and make sure both girls made it home from school - (hope there is something in the house for them to eat!) LOL!
- Here is the hump part that I did get over- finally! Today Elaine came to help me set up the USPS Click and Ship - oh, it is easy everyone says! (My ass! LOL!) For some reason we hit issue after issue - finally, we were able to use it on an order after my cut off for shipping! And yes - it is ready to be picked up at my shop tomorrow! Welcome to the year 2013 Stacy! I will no longer have to run daily (in panic) to the PO before it closes or to the 6pm cut off one on the other side of town!
- ****Living the dream right!!! HAHAHA!
- Ok- now I need to design a little flyer to go with the 400 patterns I am donating for the swag bags at the Fargo show! Yes - 400! I swing to the printer - then pick up more patterns to be stuffed and bring them to Karin's house to stuff/staple together.
- Meanwhile- my husband is calling me to see if I am coming home. Once again- I work late (still here) and he probably ordered pizza?!?!
- Still folding/organizing wool... and then I decide I need to organize/clean the stock room... Well- it is now 10 ish and I didn't get to the cleaning part. I did go thru all the bins/organize and restock. I then realize I am low on some patterns so I keep that in mind for tomorrow - and yes - I left a little pile of crap I didn't want to find homes for ... Anyone just hit the wall like me and walk away! LOL!
- Priced some new product for the shop... Who hoo!
- Then, I decided, before I head home to see only my husband and cats (girls are sleeping) I should drop you all a note because I really do love catching up with you and a just read a couple emails from you gals saying how fun it is to catch up with me again on here... That warms my heart.. so I thought I better at least say HI! Hello! You gals ROCK!
- Right now I bet you all are realizing I did not do one creative things today... and you are realizing YOU actually are living the dream... picking up that needle and thread - or sewing on your quilt.. while I wind the night up on a computer (of all things!) with a warm, old diet soda!
- Snap- Karin just swung by to pick up the "good stapler at 10:30pm! And Elaine texted me that she forgot something here! LOL!
- Hope you got a chuckle out of my boring ass day... I am off to grab the NEW Fall issue of SIMPLY VINTAGE that I got in at the shop, and snuggle up with my husband and kitties... {LOVE!}... Goodnight all! :)
Only received 24 Simply Vintage Magazines... My FAV issue - Fall! |
Very hectic day! I think I caused you a little of that work... I placed a big order :o) Can't wait to get it! Thank you!
WOW!!!! Your day made me think about mine differently....I realize I do have a lot of free time just need to get it together better.Kudos to all you do! Love love all of your designs.
Collen Girl - Did you seriously give me more work!!! LOL! (Actually - that is what I am here for!) And THANK you for supporting me!!!
Pat! Looks like you might have some free time to help me out!!! LOL! Good thought anyway! So glad to hear you enjoy my work!!! Yahoo!!!! :)
Isn't it just amazing how fast the days fly by? Even if you didn't get to design anything, it still sounds like a good day!
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